Version 6.2 |
Version 3.x Revision History
3.5.9 05-Apr-02
- POP: the '#' symbol processing has been changed to allow re-routing of 'user#domain' account names into 'user@domain' names.
- MAILBOXES: MailDir Mailboxes under Windows are now opened in the Shared mode, allowing several clients to read the same message at the same time w/o the --SharedFiles option.
- Bug Fix: MAILBOXES: deleting messages from MailDir Mailboxes used by several clients could crash the server.
- Bug Fix: PIPE: the 3.5.8 version incorrectly enqueued messages directed to the PIPE module.
- Bug Fix: on some platforms timezone switches (such as daylight saving time switches) have not been detected correctly.
3.5.8 23-Mar-02
- LIST: now the administrative message subjects can be specified in the List Settings. The Stock Skin listsettings.wssp file has been modified to include these new settings.
- LIST: if a posted message does not have the charset specified, the Feed mode header and trailer are added to the distributed message in the List Preferred charset.
- LIST: newly created lists now have the same preferred charset as the effective WebUser preferred charset for the list owner account.
- Bug Fix: CLUSTER: the HTTP Keep-Alive option enabled on backend servers could cause user disconnects.
- Bug Fix: CLUSTER: SSL connection proxying could pass incorrect data to the server, causing (mostly) IMAP APPEND errors.
- Bug Fix: IMAP: under certain OS'es (AIX) the fetch command could return "syntax error" when it was issued for an empty Mailbox.
- Bug Fix: message batch enqueueing routines could cause crashes during the server shutdown procedure.
3.5.7 11-Mar-02
- Protection: the Blacklisting by IP Domain Name feature has been implemented.
- CLI: the LISTSUBSCRIBERS command now needs the FILTER keyword.
- CLUSTER: now cluster members do not disconnect from the backup controller even if the failover transition takes more than 3 minutes.
- CLUSTER: now the LIST and LISTSUBSCRIBERS commands can be used on any cluster member and they can deal with mailing lists in shared domains.
- MIME: MIME header decoder now removes unencoded white spaces between encoded atoms.
- HTTP: optional support for the Keep-Alive method is implemented.
- HTTP: a workaround for Microsoft Internet Explorer browser bug is implemented.
- LIST: now if the posting policy is set the "Moderate all", non-subscribers can submit their posts, too.
- MAILBOXES: now the TextMailbox scanner can scan several large Mailboxes at the same time.
- Bug Fix: 3.5.6: MIME header encoding module did not encode spaces separating encoded atoms.
- Bug Fix: 3.5.3-3.5.6: the "host queue splitting" operation did not properly release error message object and could cause memory leaks.
3.5.6 18-Feb-02
- Bug Fix: 3.5.5: Mailbox size check routine could crash the server if a message was being added
to an empty Mailbox in the "parsed" state.
3.5.5 14-Feb-02
Note: In a dynamic cluster, each frontend must be restarted (during or after its upgrade) AFTER all backends are upgraded.
- LIST: settings are stored in the UTF-8 charset now.
- CLUSTER: message object attributes ("trusted source", "auth-ed") are now sent to backends.
- SMTP: low-level logging for incoming connections is improved.
- Bug Fix: WebAdmin: the Server-wide defaults were displayed instead of Cluster-wide defaults for the
shared Domain WebUser Prefs defaults.
- Bug Fix: Directory: if no Unit existed, the Browser could crash the server.
- Bug Fix: Skins: skin file uploading can cause crashes on heavily loaded systems.
- Bug Fix: WebUser: the "HTML message cleanup" module could enter a loop blocking a WebUser session and its open Mailbox.
3.5.4 03-Feb-02
- HELPERS: time-out and auto-restart settings are implemented, the HELPER object internals have been re-written.
- Skins: file upload algorithms has been changed, now CLI commands clear caches.
- CLI: the VERIFYACCOUNTPASSWORD command is implemented.
- LIST: if a list subscriber is a local account, the account password can be used to browse "subscriber-only" list archives.
- WebAdmin: the Admin Prefs now can specify the default limit for the number of List Subscribers to display.
- SMTP: reversing the channel after ATRN is sent now works even when the connection is secured using TLS/SSL.
- SMTP: ATRN 4xx response codes have been changed to the values specified in RFC2645.
- Bug Fix: SMTP: receiving ATRN over TLS could crash the server.
3.5.3 17-Jan-02
- New Platform release: BeOS/PowerPC.
- CLUSTER: algorithms have been improved to better handle
situations when an account create/rename/remove operation is
being executed at the same time when the account list is being built. For domains with more than 200,000 users
these situations could block access to hash tables for several minutes, causing cluster break-ups.
- LOCAL: distribution rights for the all@ addresses are now checked before the account list is
being built.
- LIST: the "listserver" address processing has been changed. The new processing method does work
in the Dynamic Cluster environment, too.
- SMTP: the Relay to Client IP Addresses = simple option processing has been changed to check
the original addresses, not the resulting, re-routed addresses.
- SNMP: WebAdmin pages now display 64-bit numeric values.
- Bug Fix: LIST: the "cleanup procedure" closed list owner accounts on the Cluster Controller, allowing
them to migrate to other cluster members and lose connections with their lists.
3.5.2 05-Jan-02
- Bug Fix: IMAP: 3.5b-3.5.1: the CAPABILITY response did not have a space before the first AUTH= parameter.
- Bug Fix: Account: when a Mailbox without submailboxes was removed using 3.5x versions, the Mailbox size was not subtracted from the account total message storage size.
- Bug Fix: McAfee License Limit Expiration was not always calculated correctly.
- Big Fix: LIST: subscription via the "listserver" address could fail because of incorrect confirmation string processing.
- Bug Fix: WebUser: the last symbol of the "From" address was not stored if the MIME Headers option was switched off.
- Bug Fix: IMAP: 3.5x versions did not support the UID EXPUNGE command.
- Bug Fix: CLI: 3.5x versions could return improperly terminated strings in GetAccountLocation responses.
- Bug Fix: Directory-Based Domains did not "see" their domain Skins after a server restart.
3.5.1 18-Dec-01
- WebUser: the Expire header with negative date (added in the 3.5 version) has been removed, since it caused problems for old Netscape browsers.
- Lists: the Dynamic Cluster Controller now tries to move the owner account to itself before creating a mailing list.
- RULES: the Vacation Rule priority is not set to 2, to make the server apply it before the Redirect All Rule.
- CLUSTER: the IMAP and ACAP backend login responses now carry the "Relay" flag.
- Bug Fix: 3.5: the Directory Integration option "generate mail attribute" did not work on non-Cluster systems.
- Bug Fix: WebUser: the Auto-wrap algorithm for "flowed" texts could cause crashes on some platforms.
- Bug Fix: HTTP: the Redirect operation placed "http://" into the Location header even if the current connection was an https one.
- Bug Fix: MacOS X (Darwin) package had a syntax bug in the "post-install" script.
- Bug Fix: Viewing the "Queue" Monitor page could cause Queue deadlock.
3.5 11-Dec-01
- POP: access to empty INBOX Mailboxes has been optimized.
- PIPE: Foreign Queue processing is implemented.
- PIPE: [STDERR], [FILE], [RCPT], and [RETPATH] tags are implemented.
- IMAP, POP: the STARTTLS/STLS option is seen in the CAPABILITY response only if the addressed Domain has the Security Certificate option enabled.
- Account Templates: the Initial Message text now can start with the [charset] prefix.
- Rules: now Reply and React texts can start with a [charset] prefix.
- WSSP: the ROUNDSIZE: prefix is implemented, the mailboxes.wssp page has been changed.
- WebUser (Skins): the directory processing has been changed, the directory.wssp and the sessiondirectory.wssp pages have been modified.
- Directory-based Domains: Skin support is implemented.
- CLUSTER: header fields added with the frontend Server Rules are now stored by backends.
- Bug Fix: 3.5b9 incorrectly processed server-wide WebUser Preferences.
- Bug Fix: 3.3-3.5b9 a rare deadlock situation (in all prior versions) could stop ENQUEUER and DEQUEUER processors if an administrator opened the Message Monitor page.
- Bug Fix: 3.2-3.5b9 message file stored in the MDIR Mailboxes by Cluster backends could be improperly replaced with file links if the Reuse Temp Files option was enabled.
- Bug Fix: 3.5b5-b9: header composing algorithm for non-ASCII data could enter an infinite loop, blocking that thread and consuming CPU.
- Bug Fix: 3.4-3.5b9: supplementary send-phase relay checking algorithms were not the same as the input-phase algorithms, causing relay refusals in some rare situations.
- Bug Fix: 3.3-3.5b9: Directory: Local Unit: the delete record operation incorrectly checked if record children existed.
- Bug Fix: 3.4-3.5b9: CLUSTER: the POP3 "relaying enabled" flags were not processed correctly on frontends.
3.5b9 17-Nov-01
- LDAP/Admin: LDAP-based provisioning for regular domains is implemented (see the Directory Integration section of the manual).
- DNR: the "search PTR records" operation is implemented.
- SMTP: when message sending fails because the receiving host drops the connection, the message is re-enqueued
(to avoid queue blocking for hosts that violate standards and just drop connections when they do not want to accept certain messages).
- SMTP: input messages exceeding the size limit are received, but they are not stored in files.
- Protection: the Banned Header and Body line settings are implemented. See the Protection section of the manual.
- Protection: the Client By Name option is implemented.
- Protection: the Unblacklistable (WhiteHole) Addresses list is implemented.
- Security: now Certificate Signing Requests can be generated and new Certificates can be set without prior removing of an existing certificate.
- CLUSTER: the cluster-wide Protection settings are implemented.
- CLI: Banned Header, Protection, and Cluster Protection commands are implemented.
- WebUser: more tags and tag parameters are cleaned out from HTML message portions now.
- WebAdmin: additional Monitor Access Rights are implemented.
- DNR: additional settings are implemented.
- DNR: requests to RBL servers are sent "quickly", so if an RBL server is down incoming SMTP connections do not
- WebUser: now when Sent and Drafts Mailboxes are auto-created, they are auto-subscribed to and the Mailbox list is refreshed.
- Bug Fix: 3.5b6-b8 versions crashed if an incorrect "LIST operation" address was used.
- Bug Fix: 3.5b6-8: WebSkins: password recovery E-mail address was not updated if
password modification was disabled.
- Bug Fix: 3.5b6-8: WebSkins: custom Message header fields were not decoded from UTF-8 when a message page was being composed.
- Bug Fix: 3.5b8: External Helpers: crashed Helper could cause Server crash if the Helper log was enabled.
- Bug Fix: 3.5b7-8: LOCAL Delivery: some error codes could be lost, so no error reports were sent back when delivery to an account failed.
3.5b8 03-Nov-01
- SMTP: the Advertise NTLM AUTH option is implemented.
- SMTP: now when the module sends the STARTTLS command, it uses the SSLv3 (rather than SSLv2) "hello" operation.
- DEQUEUER: more SNMP statistics elements have been implemented.
- DEQUEUER: minor internal algorithm changes.
- DIRECTORY INTEGRATION: Server-Wide and Cluster-Wide settings are implemented.
- CLI: the [GET|SET][CLUSTER]DIRECTORYINTEGRATION commands are implemented.
- CLI: the Skin Administration commands are implemented.
- CLI: the GETCLIENTIPS and GETBLACKLISTEDIPS commands are implemented.
- CLI: the GETWEBUSERSESSION and KILLWEBUSERSESSION commands are implemented.
- LOCAL: if a message is delayed by a Cluster backend, the entire account queue is suspended now.
- LOCAL: the SNMP statistics elements have been implemented.
- CLUSTER: slave startup procedure has been changed to avoid problems on systems with a large number of shared domains.
- SNMP: processing of "not-found" elements have been changed to match the SNMPv2 specs.
- HTTP: the "SkinFiles" realm is implemented to allow Skin File retrieval without using a WebSession URL.
- WebUser: auto-wrap algorithms have been changed.
- WebUser: the autoWrap "flowed" option has been added.
- WebUser: the charset parameter of message parts containing the ASCII-only symbols is ignored now.
- Queue: the Web Monitor modules have been changed to display not more than 1000 items in huge queues.
- IMAP: non-standard parameters of the Content-Type and Content-Disposition fields are retrieved now.
- Foundation: thread priority routines are implemented.
- Foundation: Linux: the STTask routines have been changed to avoid leaving "zombies" of killed processes.
- Foundation: BSD: the STDirectoryEnumerator routines have been changed to avoid directory-detection problems on NFS filesystems.
- Bug Fix: Foundation: in 3.5b7 the setInetAddress routine incorrectly formatted IP addresses as numeric strings. This could cause problems in specifying IP addresses on the Listener, Cluster, and SNMP WebAdmin pages.
- Bug Fix: SNMP: the value of parameters that changed their types in 3.5b7 from INTEGER to COUNTER was sent incorrectly via SNMP.
3.5b7 24-Oct-01
- SNMP: the WebAdmin Monitor interface to SNMP data is implemented.
- SNMP: the "total number of jobs"-type parameters now have the Counter data type.
- SNMP: HTTP monitoring elements have been added.
- SMTP: the Force AUTH option is implemented.
- WebAdmin: Admin account Preferences processor has been changed.
- Directory: the "search"-type operations now enter the subtrees stored on different Units.
- CLUSTER: the Cluster-Wide Rules are implemented.
- CLI: the GETCLUSTERRULES and SETCLUSTERRULES commands are implemented.
- CLUSTER: the Cluster-Wide Router Table is implemented.
- CLI: the [GET|UPDATE|SET][ACCOUNT|DOMAIN] commands have been renamed into the [GET|UPDATE|SET][ACCOUNT|DOMAIN]SETTINGS commands. Old names continue to work, too.
- WSSP: the EQUALS operation with a quoted-string argument is implemented.
- Migration: the MoveAccounts program and its parameters have been changed.
- LDAP: the modifyDN "newRDN" parameter was processed incorrectly.
- AIX: build parameters have been modified to support 6000+ threads.
- Bug Fix: WebUser: the number of selected messages for the mailbox.wssp page was calculated incorrectly.
- Bug Fix: Directory: Remote Units: the Search operation returned "unstripped" DNs when the "Server Base" setting was non-empty.
3.5b6 18-Oct-01
- Security: the login-disabling options protecting Accounts from Password Attacks are implemented.
- RPOP: when retrieving mail from Unified Domain-Wide Accounts without using Special Headers, the module now checks that To:/Cc: addresses can be routed to a Local account (rather than just checking that they are directly addressing the Main Domain).
- CLUSTER: Cluster-wide Default Domain Settings, Default Account Settings, Alerts, and WebSkins are implemented.
- CLI: the Cluster-wide versions of the commands dealing with Default Domain and Default Account settings are implemented.
- CLI: the Alert Administration commands are implemented.
- WebUser: URLs for non-ASCII attachments are now composed in the UTF8 charset (to work with Windows Internet Explorer).
- WebUser(WebSkins): the Address Books records are sorted now.
- WSSP: the RANDOMELEMENT function is implemented.
- Domains,WebUser Settings: non-ASCII attributes are supported now.
- MoveIMAPMail: the --target option has been implemented.
- Bug Fix: new (Skin-based) List Archive Browser pages did not have the correct charset specified.
- Bug Fix: old (Web-User and WebAdmin) List Subscribers pages could crash the server if the list had the Require Confirmation option disabled.
- Bug Fix: Skins: the default rules.wssp and rule.wssp files did not have the closing </SELECT> tag, causing problems for Netscape browsers.
- Bug Fix: Skins: the webUserSiteIndex internal code routine misplaced the account name (was shown as an error code).
3.5b5 07-Oct-01
- SMTP: the Wake up Now button has been added to the SMTP Settings WebAdmin page.
- DNR: the new Custom setting allows an administrator to specify DNS Server addresses explicitly. See the SysAdmin section for the details.
- WebAdmin: Preferences now work for Secondary Domain Administrators, too.
- WebAdmin: the Charset parameter has been added to the Administrator Preferences.
- WebAdmin: Alerts now stored using the UTF-8 charset.
- Directory: spaces around the comma signs are removed from the DN strings.
- LIST: when archive Mailboxes are swapped, the newly created archive Mailbox gets the ACLs of the old archive Mailbox.
- Mailboxes: the "Redirected" message status is implemented.
- Groups: non-ASCII "real names" are supported now.
- Accounts: non-ASCII "real names" and "custom attributes" are supported now.
- Account Templates: non-ASCII "real names", "custom attributes", and Mailbox names are supported now.
- WebUser: the "Redirected" message status is set when a message is redirected or forwarded.
- WebUser: renaming and remove Mailboxes when the Show Subscribed option is enabled now renames/removes the Mailbox and submailboxes from the Subscription list.
- WebUser: now the Composer encodes non-ASCII attachment file names.
- Bug Fix: the Save Sent Messages Mailbox could not be set in the 3.5b4 Skins interface.
- Bug Fix: the 3.5b4 version incorrectly processed most non-cluster License Master Keys.
- Bug Fix: Rules: if the Reply/Reply All operation parameter was specified with the "+" sign and additional headers, the Cc: headers were not processed at all, and Bcc: headers caused parsing errors.
- Bug Fix: Mailbox renaming for non-top level Mailboxes did not work with the "rename Submailboxes" option.
3.5b4 04-Oct-01
- WebSkins are implemented. Now all domains that do not have files in the Account subfolder of the old custom WebUser Interface directory use the new Skins Interface.
- LIST: additional subscriber address checks are implemented to avoid self-subscribing of the special mailing list addresses (-on, -subscribe, -off, etc.)
- CLI: the SetAccountPassword command is implemented.
- SMTP: the "send encrypted wherever possible" option is implemented.
- RBL: RBL responses in the 127.1.x.x range are now recognized as "blacklist it" responses.
- Migration: the utility to simplify migration from the Post.Office product has been implemented.
- WebAdmin: the /MainAdmin/ realm is implemented (see the HTTP section of the manual).
- Directory: the CAChain attribute has been added to the default Schema.
- LDAP: the Compare operation is implemented.
- ROUTER: the parser has been changed to allow special symbols in the left part of the alias records (records like <FAX=*> = * can be used now).
- ROUTER: now account alias records can be used for the Central Directory-based Routing.
- Bug Fix: WebUser/WebAdmin: in 3.4b3 version custom file uploading could fail in regular (non-directory-based) Domains.
- Bug Fix: In 3.5b2-3 the "Insert All" Directory Integration operation could crash the server if the Domain had at least one Group.
- Bug Fix: CLUSTER: renaming a shared domain did not rename Domain Aliases on all cluster members.
3.5b3 25-Jul-01
- Many internal file-handling routines have been changed.
- WebAdmin: Log settings can now be changed only if the Administrator has the CanModifySettings Server Access rights.
- RPOP: now the Leave On Server option works with any types of UIDs remote servers present and the list of retrieved UIDs is preserved between Server restarts.
- RPOP: the APOP option is added to individual RPOP records.
- Local: the X-Special-Delivery: test header field now works with the Local Delivery module, too: messages with that field are not stored in the Account Mailboxes.
- Forwarders and Groups: processing algorithms have been changed.
- Directory-Based Domains: Groups are supported now.
- Directory: the mailListSettings and groupOptions attributes have been added to the default Directory Schema.
- Directory-Based Domains: Custom WebUser and WebAdmin Interfaces are supported now.
- Directory: the fileData attribute and the CommuniGateWebInterface objectClass have been added to the default Directory Schema.
- Directory: the mailListSettings and groupOptions attributes have been added to the Directory Schema.
- SMTP: a workaround for sending mail to buggy firewall relays is implemented.
- List: the "Hide From Address" option is implemented.
- PWD: when a user with the Server Settings access right logs in, the max input buffer size is increased to 1MB (to allow for larger data in the Router operations).
- Bug Fix: WebUser: non-standard MIME content types and subtypes could be returned corrupted.
3.5b2 15-Jul-01
- DEQUEUER: algorithms have been changed to avoid crashes when multiple DEQUEUER threads process the same message.
- IMAP: the FETCH algorithms have been changed to avoid loading large messages into memory.
- CLUSTER: the "virtual Mailbox" code has been redesigned.
- SECURITY: the SASL NTLM method now works with Macintosh versions of Microsoft products (Outlook Express, Entourage).
- WebSite: nested folders are supported now. The WebAdmin WebSite.html and WebUser WebSite.html and UserSiteIndex.html files have been updated.
- ADMIN: now Domain Administrators can control several Domains. See the SysAdmin section of the manual for more Details.
- CLUSTER: now Mailing List Archives can be browsed via any cluster member.
- CLUSTER: now the GETLIST and UPDATELIST commands work with any Cluster member.
- CLUSTER: now the Create/Rename/remove operations for Forwarders and Groups work with any Cluster member.
- STATIC CLUSTER: Accounts in Shared Directory-based Domains can be administered from any Cluster member.
- WebUser: attachments in the AppleDouble format are displayed correctly.
- SMTP: the TURN command is implemented to support dial-up client sites running Microsoft Exchange servers.
- DIRECTORY: the folderIndex and adminDomainName attributes have been added to the CommuniGateDirectoryDomain objectClass in the default Schema.
- Bug Fix: CLUSTER: WebAdmin: Personal WebSite administration did not work across Cluster members.
- Bug Fix: ROUTER/DNR changes in 3.5b1 effectively disabled the SMTP RBL feature.
- Bug Fix: RULES: the Reply/React operations in 3.5b1 incorrectly inserted the From:/Sender: header field.
3.5b1 06-Jul-01
- Security: the SASL NTLM authentication method is supported now (this method allows you to use the "Secure Password Authentication" option in Microsoft products).
- POP: the parameterless AUTH command is supported now (for MS Outlook compatibility).
- Startup: Unix startup scripts have been modified to support a custom Startup.sh file in the {Base} directory.
- SMTP: now the ATRN command is always accepted from non-client addresses (after the AUTH command).
- Initialization: now garbage collector is activated during domain initialization, so systems with several thousand domains and 10,000+ domain aliases do not abuse VRAM on restart.
- SMTP, RPOP, LDAP, Router: all settings that should contain an A-record domain name (such as the forwarding server name) can contain several explicitly specified IP addresses, separated with the comma sign.
- LDAP: Start TLS (RFC2830) is supported now.
- LIST: RFC2919 (LIST-ID header field) is implemented.
- Accounts: the Date: header field is now added to the Initial Message when it is stored in the INBOX of newly created accounts.
- CLI: the LISTSUBSCRIBERS command is implemented.
- CLI: the WRITELOG command is implemented.
- WebUser: the "Trash" Mailbox can now be replaced with a Mailbox alias (useful to create a "shared Trash" Mailbox for several accounts).
- Bug Fix: Cluster: the "addMessages" operation did not work correctly with Virtual Mailboxes.
3.4.8 26-Jun-01
- Bug Fix: Cluster: certain Rule operations could cause the Local delivery protocol de-synching and backend crashes.
3.4.7 23-May-01
- LOCAL: delivery is now repeated in 1 minute if an External INBOX is locked with some other application.
- CLUSTER: backend Local Delivery now checks the Mail Disabled and Account is Full conditions.
- WebUser: the "Send as HTML" option is added to the Compose.html page.
- WebUser: the converter now displays embedded objects in HTML messages [incorrectly] created with Lotus Notes.
- WebUser: now the Drafts Mailbox is auto-created during the "Save as Draft" operation.
- SMTP: the "STARTTLS" EHLO response is now presented only if the target domain has an active Certificate.
- Bug Fix: WebUser: updating Mailbox ACLs from a non-owner account could clear the ACL list.
- Bug Fix: The process environment variables were not correctly passed to external programs.
- Bug Fix: SMTP: the ATRN command was issued instead of ETRN if the ATRN 'loginname' was entered into the module settings.
- Bug Fix: WebUser: large Subject lines could result in insertion of a header string with just one space symbol.
- Bug Fix: WebUser: incorrect customization of the Compose page could cause server crashes.
3.4.6 05-May-01
- Windows NT/2000: OS User Names that contain the '%' sign can now be used to explicitly specify the Windows Domain that should be used for Authentication.
- Directory: Local Units can now insert records that have multiple objectClasses specified (if one specified class is a child of all other specified classes).
- Directory: Local Units now ignore spaces in the first parts of the DN elements.
- Bug Fix: CLUSTER: The Incoming flow control operation could cause a crash of a backend server.
- Bug Fix: IMAP: the FETCH BODY[] operation could return message text without headers if the same FETCH operation included the BODYSTRUCTURE keyword.
- Bug Fix: SMTP (3.4.5) failure to create an output stream could destroy the SMTP module queue and crash the server.
- Bug Fix: RULES: the Each/Any ROUTE conditions were not available on all OS platforms (compiler-related error).
3.4.5 22-Apr-01
- Windows NT/2000: CGStarter application now can accept and remember parameters set in the Services control panel.
- SMTP: now secure connections can be used to connect to backup (ETRN/ATRN) servers.
- SMTP: now the HELO and Return-Path parameters are not verified for connections coming from Dynamic Cluster members.
- Foundation: On MS Windows platforms NICs with more than 30 network aliases (IP addresses) are supported now.
- Bug Fix: SMTP: Send Encrypted option did not work for the messages that had to be sent via a specific Local IP address.
- Bug Fix: SMTP: the Send Encrypted feature did not re-send the EHLO command causing problems for some freeware MTAs.
- Bug Fix: SMTP: the DSN parameters were incorrectly used when sending messages with empty return paths.
- Bug Fix: WebAdmin: the Account Import function did not check the Domain Administrator access rights.
- Bug Fix: External Filtering caused a memory leak.
3.4.4 09-Apr-01
- LOCAL: the Flow Control settings are implemented.
- Listener: the Maximum Connections from the Same Address setting is implemented.
- SMTP: the module can now send the AUTH command to the Forwarding Server.
- Rules: messages generated with the Reply and React operations now use <Mailer-Daemon@maindomain> return-path address.
- SNMP: local IP address selection and remote IP address restriction settings are implemented.
- The --SharedFiles command line option is now supported for MS Windows platforms.
- AUTH: the DIGEST-MD5 SASL method is correctly re-implemented now.
- CLI: the SetClientIPs and SetBlacklistedIPs commands are implemented.
- SMTP: messages with extremely long lines (more than 100K) do not result in connection terminations now.
- Logs: The Auto-delete setting can be set to 1 year.
- Rules: now the [RETPATH] prefix can be used with the Execute actions.
- External Filtering: License Key management mechanism has been modified to avoid processing delays after server restart. A new version of McAfee Plugin is required to benefit from this modification.
- WebUser: the content of "message/delivery-status" MIME part is decoded and displayed now.
- WebUser: the Compose function now tries to break long To/Cc/Bcc/Subject header lines into multiple shorter MIME lines.
- Bug Fix: Account: attempts to create foreign Mailboxes with empty names could crash the server.
- Bug Fix: SMTP: the AUTH command sent before the ATRN command could incorrectly form the password string.
- Bug Fix: Domains could not be renamed ("domain is in use" error) if they had at least one mailing list.
3.4.3 25-Mar-01
- SMTP: the release queue methods (ETRN, wakeup-email) now release both the generic domain queues and the 'send-via-this-ip' domain queues.
- Directory-based Domains: the WebAdmin interface now implements the Load New Domains operation.
- Foundation: support for both process-level and system-level thread scheduling is implemented.
- ADMIN: the --ThreadScope command line parameter has been added.
- RULES: Reply With operation not adds a space to the "Re:" subject prefix.
- ACCOUNT: FreeBSD-style MD5-encrypted passwords are supported now.
- CLUSTER: time-out values in Dynamic Cluster operations have been modified to ensure proper failover when the Controller network connection fails.
- WebUser: the Forgotten Password page now passes the current Domain Name to Cluster Backends.
- WebUser: the Mailbox.html page now supports the NextMessage=msgid and PrevMessage=msgid parameter to provide the "next/prev" messages switches. The NextPrevJump.html file is added.
- WebUser: processing of multipart/alternative messages has been improved (added support for Apple's Mail.app message formatting).
- Bug Fix: Mailboxes: the LIST command incorrectly checked the access rights for nested submailboxes in foreign accounts (some foreign Mailboxes could be invisible even if the user had the Lookup right for them).
- Bug Fix: The MoveIMAPMail utility did not copy empty Mailboxes from some 3rd party IMAP servers.
- Bug Fix: LIST: when the number of LIST processors was decreased using CLI, the excessive processors did not disappear.
- Bug Fix: WebAdmin: updating the Obscure page settings could change the Helpers page settings.
- Bug Fix: Directory Based Domains: if the automatic account creation procedure failed, the cleanup algorithm could end up in a deadlock.
- Bug Fix: WebUser: the Login page did not show the "forgotten password" link is the anti-harvesting option was enabled.
3.4.2 06-Mar-01
- U-crpt password encoding now works on AS/400 and BeOS platforms.
- The Dynamic Cluster Monitor page is added to the WebAdmin Interface.
- CLUSTER: the Dynamic Cluster Controller fail-over algorithm is improved.
- Bug Fix: the 3.4.1 version did not properly accept the License Keys.
- Bug Fix: CLUSTER: attempts to rename or remove an account in a shared Domain after a Controller fail-over could crash the new Controller.
- Bug Fix: CLI: the RenameDomain command did not work properly in 3.3/3.4b versions.
- Bug Fix: KERNEL: delivery to groups improperly decreased the Domain usage counters. This bug produced the "open counter < 0" messages in the Server and system logs.
- Bug Fix: LIST: the text/alternative Posting Format restriction option incorrectly checked the message structure.
3.4.1 01-Mar-01
- Group and Forwarder creating/renaming algorithms have been changed.
- Shared Domains: special mailing list addresses (-report, -on, -off, etc.) now work in Shared Domains.
- TLS: max output block size is decreased to provide a workaround for products using Microsoft SSL libraries.
- LIST: the HELP command is implemented.
- IMAP, MIME: the Content-Description field is processed now.
- WebUser: the Reply operation now uses a smarter algorithm to find plain text message portions.
- WebUser: the Strings.data file now contains the "Translator" dictionary that can be used to translate
pop-up menus like those used in the Rule composer.
- WebUser: the ^B and ^C macros are removed from the Rules.html and Rule.html pages (the buttons can be customized now).
- HTTP: the Personal Web Site prefix is now detected after URL decoding.
- Mailboxes: now all 'outer' Mailboxes are automatically created when a sub-mailbox is created.
- Bug Fix: WebUser: the default reply text routine could incorrectly insert quotation marks. In some rare cases it could cause a system crash.
- Bug Fix: On Unix platforms the external programs did not get all environment parameters.
- Bug Fix: some Server Settings updates could cause false 'main domain renaming' operations.
- Bug Fix: 'mailbox list' routine incorrectly capitalized names of 'xxxx/inbox' sub-mailboxes.
- Bug Fix: Log recording stopped if the total size of all logs generated since the last server restart exceeded 4GB.
- Bug Fix: Domains could not be removed if the domain Default WebUser Preference set has been used at least once.
- Bug Fix: Server-Wide Rules updates could crash the server when a very long rule operation (as a suspended virus scan) was in progress.
3.4 18-Feb-01
- Directory Integration: the mail attribute processing can be fine-tuned now. See the LDAP Module chapter for the details.
- CLI: the StatReset keys were added to the Domain and Account Statistics data.
- CLI: the CREATEWEBUSERSESSION command is implemented.
- Forwarders: addresses without '@' and '%' symbols are qualified using the forwarder Domain name.
- WebUser: the "Print-friendly" message link is implemented, the Strings.data "MessageHeaderEnd" string has been modified.
- Bug Fix: MAILBOXes: in 3.4b9 'rollbacking' the target Mailbox after failed copying operation could crash the server.
- Bug Fix: WebUser: not all special symbols in Mailbox names were properly URL-encoded.
3.4b9 04-Feb-01
- Directory Integration: the 'Store Passwords for Regular Accounts' option is implemented.
- LIST: the Content-Transfer-encoding header field is removed from distributed 'feed' messages only if its value is '7bit' (previous versions removed the header with the value of '8-bit', too).
- IMAP: the MULTIAPPEND extension is implemented.
- CLUSTER: now errors on inter-server SMTP connections do not turn on delays and other anti-attack mechanisms.
- Passwords: the --BatchLogon command line parameter is documented.
- Passwords: now the U-crpt password encryption can be used on Windows-based servers, too.
- Bug Fix: Domains: when the Main Domain was renamed, the Domain Directory Subtree was not renamed.
- Bug Fix: WebAdmin: the size-type parameters could not be set to 'Default (XXX)' values.
- Bug Fix: Messages with several 'Subject:' headers were processed incorrectly.
- Bug Fix: LIST: the 'banned' mode could not be set for lists with disabled archiving.
- Bug Fix: WebUser: if a custom WebUser Interface file was empty, the server could crash.
3.4b8 06-Jan-01
- Directory Integration: the "UID Subtree" setting is implemented.
- SMTP: Relay To Client settings can be set to "no".
- Domains/External AUTH: the Consult External Authenticator Domain Settings is implemented.
- Admin: the "Drop Server Root privilege" options are implemented (Unix only). See the SysAdmin section for the details.
- DEQUEUER: dequeuer messages can be customized now (using the General->Strings page).
- POP: the message size has been added to the RETR command response (to make Netscape mailer show its progress bar correctly).
- Account: the Collect Account Statistics setting is implemented (the Obscure page).
- Domain: statistics on received messages is collected now.
- MAILBOX: the "~username" Mailbox aliases are implemented now - they provide access to all shared Mailboxes in the specified account.
- Foundation: the OS Password checking routines now check for the OS Account and Password expiration dates.
- External AUTH: Logging changed.
- Bug Fix: INFOWEBFILES renamed into GETWEBFILESINFO, output format of GETWEBFILE and LISTWEBFILES was incorrect.
3.4b7 03-Dec-00
- Mailbox: the Mailbox view creation algorithm has been changed.
- Directory: Remote Units: the Server Subtree setting is implemented.
- Directory: many attributes and objectClasses have been added to the Local Unit built-in Schema.
- Directory: the Import LDIF and Import LMOD functions are implemented in the WebAdmin Interface.
- WebUser: the X-UUEncode MIME encoding is supported now.
- MIME: UUencoded files embedded into plain text messages are recognized now.
- WebUser: the UUencoded files embedded into plain text messages are displayed now.
- Account: the new method is used to recalculate the MailStore size stored in the .info files.
- Account Admin: now Account Rules can be specified in the Account Import file.
- Directory-based Domains: Personal WebSite support is implemented.
- Directory-based Domains: Account Removal is implemented.
- Directory-based Domains: Account Renaming now renames the Account files, too - if they reside within the DirectoryDomains file directory.
- Directory-based Domains: Forwarders are implemented.
- Template: Initial (default.html) page for Personal WebSites can be specified now.
- WebUser: the keywords INBOX and Trash can be "translated" in the Strings.data file now, so these "fixed-name" Mailboxes can be "renamed on screen".
- WebUser: the HeaderNames dictionary is added to the Strings.data file. It can be used to change the names of the RFC822 header fields used on the Mailbox and Message pages.
- Router: local routing algorithms have been changed to restore compatibility with the old router.
- POP: the login response line contains the total size of all messages in the Mailbox (to make the Netscape e-mail client happy).
- CLUSTER: Personal Web Site support now works in both Static and Dynamic Clusters w/o exceptions.
- CLUSTER: Domain Aliases are now properly initiated during the frontend and "slave" backend startups, and the domain aliases are properly removed from all servers when the domain is removed.
- CLUSTER: non-local IP Addresses can be assigned to shared domains in Static Clusters.
- Bug Fix: TLS: the 'exportable' TLS 1.0 methods were implemented incorrectly in 3.4b6.
- Bug Fix: WebAdmin/WebUser: the default numeric settings could be displayed as "-2" strings.
3.4b6 24-Nov-00
- Directory: the Search Results Limit setting is added to the Local Unit settings.
- WebUser: the Session Time Limit setting is implemented.
- LIST: the "Special" posting mode processing has been changed to make it possible to subscribe lists to other lists.
- Rules: the [RCPT] Execute operation prefix is implemented.
- RPOP: processing is re-scheduled when an RPOP record changes its poll period value.
- Directory-based Domains: when account is auto-created on first access, the INBOX Mailbox and other account details (suppl. Mailboxes, Mailbox aliases, subscriptions, etc.) are automatically created, too.
- Template: Initial (Greeting) message can be specified now.
- CLI: GETACCOUNTLISTS and GETDOMAINLISTS return value types are changed to dictionary.
- TLS: TLS 3.1 is implemented.
- Queue: delivery delay warnings are implemented.
- SMTP: relaying settings have been modified.
- SMTP: the Send Warnings setting is implemented.
- Local Delivery: the Send Warnings setting is implemented.
- Bug Fix: 3.4b4-b5 versions did not store the updated Queue page Settings on disk.
- Bug Fix: 3.4b versions could show duplicate IP Addresses assigned to Domains.
- Bug Fix: TLS sessions interrupted in the negotiation phase could crash the server.
- Bug Fix: in 3.4b5, mail sent to an incorrect mailing list address could crash the server.
3.4b5 18-Nov-00
- Domains: the global DomainAliases.tdb file is phased out. Now the DomainAliases.data file in the Settings directory of the Domain subdirectories is used to store this domain aliases. The content of DomainAliases.tdb is moved automatically to those files, and the DomainAliases.tdb file is renamed into DomainAliases.tdb.unused.
- Dynamic Cluster: the Domain Aliases now work for Shared Domains, too.
- Kernel: the old DataBase Managers (handling the .tdb and .ldb files) are phased out.
- ROUTER: algorithms used for Local Domain Routing are redesigned.
Note: this version can act as a Cluster Controller for 3.4b3-3.4b4, but not vice versa. Complete Cluster Upgrade is required.
- Static Cluster: Directory-based Domains can be used for Static Clustering now.
- Domains: the Send To Forwarders option has been added to the Mail to All panel.
- WebAdmin: Administrator Preferences are implemented (see the SysAdmin->HTTP section of the manual for more details).
- WebAdmin: the Preferences settings are implemented for POP,IMAP,ACAP,LIST,SMTP,LOCAL,PIPE, and RPOP Monitors.
- WebAdmin: the Preferences settings are implemented for the Domain Account List page.
- WebAdmin: all numeric settings can now be set to some "other" (unlisted) value.
- IMAP: RFC2971 (the "ID" extension) is implemented.
- LISTS: the GETACCOUNTLISTS command is documented.
- CLI: the GETDOMAINLISTS is now the preferred name for the LISTLISTS command. This command now works in the Dynamic Cluster environment.
- CLI: the MAINDOMAINNAME command is implemented.
- LIST: delivery to Lists now works without exceptions in both Dynamic and Static Clusters.
- LOCAL: delivery to "all" now works without exceptions in both Dynamic and Static Clusters.
- PIPE: the Queue (Wait) page is added to the WebAdmin Monitors.
- Bug Fix: the default Directory Schema did not contain the "cn" attribute for the "organization" objectClass. In 3.4b4 version, this bug made domain Directory record creation impossible. On fresh installations, the "postmaster" account was not created.
3.4b4 09-Nov-00
- Domains/SMTP: the Local IP Address for outgoing SMTP connections can be specified now. See the SMTP and Domain Settings sections for the details.
- CLI: the DELETEMAILBOX, RENAMEMAILBOX commands are implemented.
- IMAP, WebMail: foreign Mailboxes can be renamed and deleted now.
- QUEUE: the Copy Failure Reports option is implemented.
- ACAP: the PREFIX, SUBSTRING, and SUFFIX filters are implemented.
- SMTP: the server now reports the "DNS Loop" situation only if a remote host name resolves into an IP Address the SMTP Listener is enabled for.
- SMTP: the domain name used in the ATRN command must be included into the Hold Mail for Domains list.
- Central Directory: the hostServer attribute can be renamed now.
- CLI: the RefreshOSData, GetRouterTable, and SetRouterTable commands are implemented.
- Rules: The Redirect All simplified Rule now has the "Preserve To/Cc fields" option.
- Central Directory: forwarder records are now included into the Domain directory subtree.
- Directory: Local: the Enforce Schema setting is implemented (it is now enabled by default).
- WebUser: if the Save a Copy option is selected on the Compose page and the Mailbox with the specified name does not exist, a new Mailbox is automatically created.
- Streams: the PLAIN authentication method now uses an empty challenge string.
- Migration: the MoveIMAPMail and MovePOPMail utilities now support the --noTimeOut flag.
- Bug Fix: ACAP/IMAP: if the AUTHENTICATE command was interrupted, the NO response was returned instead of the BAD response.
- Bug Fix: Directory: Local Units incorrectly processed some update requests ("add" attribute sets were processed as "replace" sets).
- Bug Fix: OS Passwords did not work on the AS/400 platform.
3.4b3 30-Oct-00
- CLUSTER: a separate Domain Controller is implemented.
- CLUSTER: the Account Controller is completely redesigned.
- CLUSTER: the Account and Domain Controllers now automatically move to a different backend server if the current Controller backend server fails.
- CLUSTER: error codes reported by backends are now transparently relayed via frontends to client mailers.
- CLUSTER: POP Alert messages generated on backends are now relayed via frontends to client mailers.
- CLUSTER: backend IMAP alerts issued at the login time are now passed to the client.
- DIRECTORY: the "cn=schema" subtree is implemented. The Local Unit schema can be retrieved and extended using the 'cn=schema' record.
- Foundation: the STSkipList data structure is implemented.
- Several internal routines switched to the STSkipList structures to improve performance on large systems (1,000,000+ accounts, 10,000+ domains in queue, etc).
- SECURITY: the Hide Unknown Account Error option is implemented and it is enabled by default. See the Security section for more details.
- SMTP: the Advertise 8BITMIME option is implemented.
- Bug Fix: the server could crash if someone modified the Domain Settings while a domain Private Key was being generated.
- Bug Fix: ACAP: data strings with special symbols are returned as literals now.
3.4b2 06-Oct-00
- EXTFILTERING: McAfee scanning plugin is implemented.
- SNMP: the CGatePro-MIB.txt file now includes the absolute OIDs.
- WebUser: The Thai charsets support is implemented.
- TLS: the Generate Key option is added to the Domain Security page.
- TLS: support for 2048-bit keys and long Certificates is added.
- TLS: the Certificate Authority Chain option is implemented.
- TLS: the nested TLS negotiations are supported now. They are used to implement strong (128-bit) SSL encryption with weak (40-bit), "export-legal" products.
- Shared Domains: if LDAP connections to the Central Directory fail, the SMTP module now returns a non-fatal error code for unroutable addresses.
- Bug Fix: Directory: Multi-Level searches in Local Units could return incomplete DNs. This could also cause the LDAP module to stop on-the-fly creation of the "mail" attributes.
- Bug Fix: incorrect parallel initialization could cause the PIPE module to crash on startup.
- Bug Fix: the RPOP module could accept To: and Cc: addresses as "trusted" when working without the "Special-header" option (this could result in
unwanted relays).
- Bug Fix: ENQUEUER: the default value for ENQUEUER threads is 1 now.
3.4b1 07-Aug-00
- QUEUE: ENQUEUER design is multi-threaded now.
- HELPERS: Content Filtering/Anti-Virus API is implemented (see the Rules section).
- CLUSTER: "Virtual" Mailbox objects are implemented (allowing an account opened on one server
to access Mailboxes in an account opened on a different server).
- Mailboxes: ACL subsystem has been redesigned.
- Mailboxes: MDIR Mailboxes are now parsed correctly even if the message internal date was set to 0.
- CLUSTER: PWD module now returns different codes for some key error messages.
- Accounts: excessive file operations are removed from the account opening procedure.
- WebUser: Japanese (ISO-2022-JP) characters are now correctly processed in the message header fields on the Compose page.
- WebUser: The UTF8 mode for the Japanese (Big5 and GB2312) encodings is supported now.
- WebUser: The UTF8 mode for the Japanese (ISO-2022-JP) encodings is supported now.
- Notifier: the Log Level and Queue size can now be specified using the Obscure page.
- Security: External Authenticator internals are redesigned, its settings are moved to the Helpers page.
- Bug Fix: Personal WebSite: URLs for site files did not contain URL escape symbols, some of the access utilities did not remove the URL escape symbols.
- Bug Fix: POP, IMAP: SASL AUTH methods incorrectly supported the "short-form" syntax.
- Bug Fix: CLUSTER POP login could fail on backends.
3.3.2 02-Oct-00
- Security: the Certificate processing buffer size has been increased from 1K to 4K.
- Bug Fix: SMTP: Dynamic Cluster backends could crash when the Mailbox STORE operation failed.
- Bug Fix: incorrect parallel initialization could cause the PIPE module crash during startup.
3.3.1 07-Aug-00
- BeOS version is released.
- Bug Fix: WebUser: processing format=flowed texts could cause crashes on some platforms (AS/400).
- Bug Fix: SMTP: malformed ETRN could cause crashes.
- Bug Fix: CLUSTER SLAVE: the controller response parser could crash the server.
- Bug Fix: LIST: automatically-generated messages were processed incorrectly.
- Bug Fix: UTF8/Unicode decoding procedure did not work correctly for several charsets.
3.3 16-Jul-00
Update Note: the 3.3 version uses a completely new Directory Manager. If some of your Domains had the Directory Integration setting set to Keep In Sync, open those Domain Settings in the newly installed 3.3 version, and click the "Insert All" button in the Directory Integration Panel.
- Domains: Mailing lists and Groups are now automatically added/updated in the Directory if the Domain Integration setting is set to Keep In Sync.
- Domains/Accounts: now OS Names can be explicitly set for individual Accounts.
- HTTP: CGI programs now inherit the environment variables of the Server (under Windows, this is needed to open TCP/IP sockets in CGIs).
- Rules: the "[FILE]" and "[STDERR]" Execute command tags are implemented.
- IMAP: the APPEND command now checks if the message text lacks the trailing EOL and fixes it. This is a workaround for the Netscape Messenger bug.
- Groups: the Remove Author Address option is implemented.
- Groups: sending to a non-empty group with all group addresses removed is processed as normal (final) delivery now.
- ACAP: datasets entry names are case-insensitive now.
- WebUser: the Sent and Draft Mailbox names are properly "defaulted" now. The WebUser Settings.html page has been changed.
- WebUser: the simplified Chinese (GB2312) charset is supported now.
- SNMP: 64-bit Counters are implemented, some MIB elements have been switched to the COUNTER format.
- Bug Fix: Directory: Browser: URL escape symbols were not removed correctly, causing problems for Netscape browsers.
- Bug Fix: POP: the CAPA command was not processed in the TRANSACTION state.
- Bug Fix: binary zeros in message headers could crash the server.
3.3b9 06-Jul-00
- Manual: the Directory, Directory Integration and Clusters pages are updated.
- WebAdmin: Obscure: the Central Directory settings are phased out.
- Directory: File(Local Units): the updates merging daemon is implemented.
- Directory: Storage Unit deletion is implemented.
- Directory Integration: the Delete All operation now removes only the records for accounts created on this Server.
- WebUser: Korean (ISO-2022-KR) and Chinese (Big5) letters are correctly converted into HTML code.
- WebUser: the Certificate link is displayed only if the domain has a Custom Certificate.
- WebUser: the Mailing Lists link is displayed only if the domain has some mailing lists.
- Foundation: a faster version of 'write to file' method is implemented (now used to store aliases, forwarders, groups, and account info).
- LDAP: case-insensitive dictionaries are now used in modify-type operations.
- HTTP: CGI environment variables HTTP_AUTHORIZATION and HTTP_REFERER are added.
- HTTP: CGI program name in a URL can now be followed by '/' and some URL string.
- Bug Fix: Mailboxes: 3.3b6-b8 versions might not show INBOX in the Mailbox list, if INBOX was an external Mailbox.
- Bug Fix: Routing: Directory-based Routing did not work in 3.3b3-b8.
- Bug Fix: under IRIX, AIX, HP/UX daylight saving times for the local time zones was not detected correctly.
- Bug Fix: Rules: Rule Editor could crash the server if some of the condition or action fields were missing in the (customized) form.
3.3b8 21-Jun-00
- LDAP: the 'mail' attribute is now composed on-the-fly for records of the CommuniGateAccount objectClass.
- LDAP: the authentication methods are improved and documented.
- WebUser: the Directory Search page can now use the "internal CGatePro" names instead of the standard attribute names (i.e. RealName instead of cn).
- WebUser: Security: the Security Certificate (RFC2585) link is added to the Login page. See the Security section of the manual.
- WebUser: Non-ASCII Mailbox names are supported now.
- WebUser: format=flowed processing (RFC2646) is implemented.
- Router: the Add name to Non-Qualified Domain Names option is implemented.
- LOCAL: the Account Detail addressing Routing options are implemented.
- TLS: session recycler is implemented.
- TLS: the SSL 3.0/3.1 interaction is improved (interoperability with both Microsoft products and open source utilities).
- SNMP: TLS monitoring agents are implemented.
- Mailboxes: .mdir (MailDir) format is redesigned to store the number of message text lines in message file names. This should help some mailers (such as Netscape) correctly process messages with attachments retrieved from Unix servers.
- LIST: feed headers and trailers are correctly inserted into base64-encoded messages.
- Transfer: message with extremely long header fields (>100K) are now rejected with the SMTP, RPOP, PIPE, or POP (XTND XMIT) modules.
- Bug Fix: WebMail: in 3.3b7 2-byte charsets could result in infinite loops.
- Bug Fix: SMTP: the "relayHost" field was not always filled correctly resulting in garbage on the SMTP Monitoring pages.
- Bug Fix: IMAP: in 3.3b6-b7 the LIST "%" command might not list folders that were not Mailboxes at the same time.
3.3b7 12-Jun-00
- SMTP: RFC2645 (ATRN) is implemented in both server and client modes to support mail delivery to hosts with dynamic IP addresses.
- WebUser: texts using Japanese ISO-2022-jp charsets should be displayed correctly now.
- LOCAL: all-domain aliases are case-insensitive now.
- LOCAL: the new Alert Text option allows you to specify the "over the quota" alert message text.
- TLS: the SSL 3.0/3.1 interaction is improved (interoperability with open source utilities).
- Domain: the 2-Letter 2-Level Domain Hashing now provides a workaround for accounts with 1-letter names and for accounts that have the dot symbol as the second symbol of their names.
- Bug Fix: IMAP: in 3.3b6 the LIST commands with non-empty prefixes returned incorrect results.
- Bug Fix: IMAP: in 3.3b6 the SELECT command could improperly capitalize the inbox Mailbox name, resulting in duplicated (INBOX and inbox) records in the account.info file.
- Bug Fix: OS/400 version improperly passed parameters to external tasks.
3.3b6 01-Jun-00
- Linux/StrongARM version is released.
- Directory: Access Rights (ACLs) are implemented.
- Directory: Browser and Access Right WebAdmin pages are implemented.
- Alerts: automatic "account is over quota" alerts are implemented. See the SysAdmin->Alerts section of the manual.
- LIST: the Digest generator has been modified to fit the RFC1153 requirements.
- SMTP: secure connections with forwarding servers are supported now.
- Mailboxes: Mailbox aliases are transparent now (included into Mailbox hierarchy views).
- WebUser: longer, alpha-numeric "session passwords" are used now.
- WebUser: the DirectoryFields arrays are added to the Strings.data file.
- IMAP: SNMP monitoring agents are implemented.
- WebUser Interface: the Files realm is implemented to provide access to arbitrary files in the WebUser directory.
- SysAdmin: the --noLockFile option is implemented.
- CLI: GetAccountLocation, GetServerRules, and SetServerRules commands are implemented.
- Bug Fix: IMAP: 3.3b5 did not place the quote marks around the "boundary" parameter value in the BODYSTRUCTURE response.
- Bug Fix: Directory: in 3.3b3-5 local Storage Units could generate the "non-text data" errors.
- Bug Fix: CLI: GetAccountAliases command could crash the server is the specified domain did not exist.
- Bug Fix: ACAP: multi-level searches in Dictionary DataSets could cause synchronization deadlocks.
- Bug Fix: ACAP: MODTIME responses for the SEARCH command were returned untagged.
- Bug Fix: ACAP: the optional metadata list in the RETURN clause of the SEARCH command was not properly parsed.
3.3b5 01-May-00
- Mailboxes: Mailbox Aliases are implemented (see the Objects->Mailboxes section of the manual). Mailbox aliases can be used to provide access to foreign Mailboxes for IMAP clients (such as MS Outlook / OE) that cannot process foreign Mailbox names in the Mailbox Subscription lists.
- WebAdmin: the Account Template page now includes the Initial Mailbox Aliases panel.
- Directory: Remove and Relocate Storage Unit operations are implemented.
- IMAP, ACAP: the output buffering method has been changed.
- Domains: the Generate Index option is implemented. It can be used to decrease the restart time for domains with 100,000+ accounts.
- Rules: the Current Day conditions are implemented.
- Bug Fix: SMTP: the 3.3b4 version crashed if the Send Encrypted to Domains setting contained an empty list.
3.3b4 24-Apr-00
- Security: SSL/TLS client-side connections are implemented.
- SMTP: the Send Encrypted option is implemented to support server<->server encrypted message transfer.
- WebUser: attachment file names and HTML text portions are MIME-decoded and (optionally) converted to UTF-8 now.
- WebUser: the Use MIME for Headers option is implemented. When this option is selected, the Subject, To, Cc, and Bcc header fields containing non-ASCII symbols are MIME-encoded.
- WebUser: Alerts, Bye, Hello, List, ListArchive, Public, Rules, Rule, RPOP, Subscribers, Subscription pages now include the '=' (charset) macro symbols.
- WebUser: the '^$' macro (domain name) now works in all Account pages.
- WebUser: all ISO-8859-x and windows-125x charsets are now supported in the UTF-8 mode.
- Foundation: DNS addresses are now correctly retrieved from the Windows 2000 Registry.
- WebAdmin: clicking the Refresh button on the General Settings page tells the Server to re-read the DNS addresses from the OS.
- LIST: the First Digest At setting processing has been changed (see the LIST module manual).
- Rules: the Current Date and Time of Day Rule conditions are implemented.
- Rules: the Write To Log action is implemented.
- Bug Fix: WebUser: the "New" counters on the Mailboxes page were not updated properly.
3.3b3 17-Apr-00
- Directory: multiple Sub-tree storage units are implemented.
- Directory: schema editor is implemented.
- WebUser: UTF8 Mode Setting is implemented. The Settings.html and Compose.html pages have been modified.
- WebUser: the Settings.html, RPOP.html pages have been changed (^m has been added).
- WebUser: Compose: now the From, To, Cc, and Reply-To original letter headers are MIME-decoded first.
- Mailboxes: BSD Mailbox Manager now checks the size of text lines in new messages.
- Admin: the WebSite, BasicAccountSettings, and WebUserSettings Domain Access Rights are implemented.
- SNMP: WebUser monitoring agents are implemented.
- SNMP: POP module totaling-type reporting is implemented.
- Directory Integration: the special-case dc RDN attribute is supported now.
- Rules: comparison operations now ignore the surrounding angle brackets in the envelope (Recipient, Return-Path) addresses.
- Manual: the WebMail section is created to contain all user-level information about the WebUser Interface.
- Manual: the HTTP and HowTo sections are updated to provide the information about username.domain.dom Personal Web Site URLs.
- Bug Fix: the Header-field Rule condition did not process wildcard symbols correctly.
3.3b2 02-Apr-00
- Linux/Sparc version is released.
- SNMP: StalkerMIB ObjectID has been changed to 5678 - the IANA-registered Stalker ObjectID.
- Directory: the Directory Manager is implemented.
- Directory: the File-based Directories are implemented.
- Directory: the LDAP-based Directories are implemented (with caching).
- Directory: the .tdb and .ldb DataBase Managers are being phased out.
- Domains: the Directory Integration Settings are implemented.
- LDAP: implementation is based on the Directory Manager now.
- LDAP: RFC2254 is implemented.
- Account/Domain: the Directory-based Domains are partially implemented.
- RPOP: support for remote POP servers that do not return the number of messages in the initial UIDL response.
- Account/Domain: the "Mobile" setting is enforced now: domains and account w/o that Access Mode cannot be accessed from non-client IP addresses.
- SMTP: Log reporting of relayed messages is improved.
- HTTP: WebUser port handling has been changed to support domain-style Personal Web Sites (i.e. http://user.domain.com can be processed as http://domain.com/~user/ now).
- WebUser: Korean, Chinese, and UTF-8 encodings are supported now.
- WebUser: the Mailbox page now remembers the filter and search strings and the position in the selected message set.
- WebUser: the Empty Trash button is now implemented on the Mailboxes Page.
- DEQUEUER: engine is redesigned and converted into a multi-threaded one.
- SMTP: statistical data (available via SNMP) is extended.
- SMTP: the SIZE EHLO response does not include the '=' sign now.
- IMAP: some responses are sent in batches now. This should improve performance over SSL connections.
3.3b1 03-Mar-00
- SNMP agent is implemented.
- Groups are implemented. GROUP-related CLI commands are implemented.
- Forwarders are implemented. FORWARDER-related CLI commands are implemented.
- LIST: the Special posting mode is implemented to allow subscribing of a mailing list to some other list.
- SMTP: the AUTH=address Mail From parameter is now supported.
- SMTP: batch-splitting for messages with multiple recipients in one domain is implemented.
- Bug Fix: CLUSTER: slave nodes refused to connect to the controller if one of the shared domains had the WebCache option disabled.
- Bug Fix: SMTP, RPOP: if a remote server was misconfigured, garbage left in the response buffers could cause problems when connecting to other servers serving that remote domain.
3.2.4 14-Feb-00
- HTTP: document name extensions are now converted into lowercase before checking them against the file extensions specified in the MIME Type table.
- The sendmail and mail utilities now use the backslash separators to compose files names on Win32 platforms.
- CLUSTER: SMTP AUTH is now supported for accounts in shared domains.
- Security: serverKeyExchange protocol is implemented to let "exportable" browsers connect to the domains that have strong (>512 bit) keys.
- Security: now domain aliases can be specified for Certificates and CSRs.
- Bug Fix: updating account settings via the WebAdmin Interface did not always update the Central Directory.
- Bug Fix: WebSites: references to Personal Web sites for users that had dot (.) symbols in their account names did not work without a trailing slash.
- Bug Fix: IMAP: COPYUID reporting was incorrect when Mailbox messages were copied into the same Mailbox.
- Bug Fix: in 3.2.3 the Mailbox#Username scheme did not work for POP APOP login.
3.2.3 28-Jan-00
- RULES: the Additional headers set with the Server-Wide Rules are now used with the LOCAL delivery and SMTP modules (before, those headers could be used only for Store and Redirect operations started from the same set of Server-Wide Rules).
- Foundation: socket-reading routines have been changed to avoid race conditions.
- WebUser: the Inbox name in the Mailbox Subscription lists is now processed with case-insensitivity.
- CLUSTER: the Authenticate then Relay feature now works for POP and PWD clients connecting via front-end servers.
- Migration: the MoveIMAPMail program now understands literals in Mailbox names and can copy Mailboxes with names containing space characters.
- Bug Fix: CLUSTER: the front-end addresses were used instead of the client addresses when a client was closing connections and the client address was being removed from the TempClients table.
- Bug Fix: WebUser: some of the Mailbox view parameters were not processed correctly if they were set to the "default" values.
- Bug Fix: WinNT: passwords verification using NT accounts (LogonUser function) could crash the server or result (later) in various errors if an incorrect password was supplied.
3.2.2 18-Jan-00
- SMTP: the Advertise AUTH option can be set to Non-Clients now.
- LIST: the Who can browse option can be set to "Clients" now.
- Bug Fix: CLUSTER: the PWD module could not connect to back-end servers.
3.2.1 14-Jan-00
- Security: the TLS module 128-bit encryption is enabled.
- Bug Fix: CLUSTER: some admin operations did not convert account names to lowercase resulting in Controller de-synchronization and auto-shutdown.
3.2 12-Jan-00
- Additional Mailing List Licenses are supported now.
- Bug Fix: certificates with long serial numbers were not accepted.
3.2b9 26-Dec-99
- Foundation: passing environment parameters now works on the WIN32 platforms, too.
- HTTP: CGI applications can receive POST/PUT request data now.
- HTTP: Settings->WebUser page now allows to enter "starter" programs for CGI applications with specified extensions (so Perl scripts can now be used on Win32 platforms, too).
- Admin: the "Mobile" access mode is renamed into the "Relay" (existing settings should be updated automatically).
- Admin: the new "Mobile" access mode is added.
- Admin: the CertificateType Domain access right is added (when disabled, the domain admin cannot modify the Domain Security settings).
- SMTP: the alternative delay interval settings are implemented.
- IMAP: the size limitation for the APPEND command has been removed.
- LOCAL: the All-Domain Aliases are implemented (see the Local Delivery section of the manual).
- The {NS-MTA-MD5}-type digested passwords are supported to simplify migration from Post.Office servers. See the Migration section for the details.
- WebUser: the https:// URLS are now detected in plain-text message bodies and converted into clickable links.
- WebUser: the speed of composing HTML pages for large Mailboxes is increased.
- Bug fix: HTTP: a channel could crash when returning CGI results longer than 1 pipe block.
3.2b8 15-Dec-99
- Foundation: the synchronization routines have been modified on all platforms to improve performance under a heavy load.
- Foundation: optimized timer in 3.2b6-7 could result in queue processing delays on multi-processor systems.
- Obscure: the Use Conservative Info Updates option is implemented. Can be disabled on heavy-loaded systems, especially if accounts are stored on an NFS server.
- The Do Not Redirect Automatic Messages option is added to the Simplified Redirection Rule.
- The {MD5} and {SHA} digested passwords are supported to simplify migration from Netscape and software.com servers. See the Migration section for the details.
- Secondary Domain names are explicitly converted to small letters now.
- The QUEUE Log records for new messages now include the message Return-Path.
- WebUser: when an open message is moved to a different Mailbox and the account Delete mode is not "Mark", the original message is deleted.
- Rules: the Each/Any Recipient conditions are renamed into the Each/Any Route conditions, and the new Each/Any Recipient conditions are implemented (see the Rules section for the details).
- Bug Fix: domain renaming involving Central Directory updates could cause crashes.
- Bug Fix: in 3.2b6-7, changing the poll period of an RPOP record could result in RPOP record disappearing.
3.2b7 07-Dec-99
- Many routines are switched from linear search algorithms to binary search ones.
- Security: the per-Domain Custom certificates are implemented.
- WebUser: the "Recover passwords via E-mail" functionality is implemented: the Password.html page is added to retrieve forgotten passwords. A link to that page (appearing on the "Incorrect Password" error) is added to the Login (default.html) page. The Settings.html page has been modified to let users change the Recovery Address setting.
- Admin: the speed of importing accounts with aliases is improved.
- SMTP: AUTH command is accepted from Client IP Addresses only if the Grant Access to Clients Only option is enabled.
- RFC2595 is implemented: IMAP, ACAP and POP modules support the STARTTLS/STLS command now.
- Bug Fix: Rules: the Return-Path condition did not work in 3.2b6.
- Bug Fix: RPOP: double-unlocking of the RPOP queue could generate exceptions in 3.2b6.
- Bug Fix: the 3.1-3.2 versions did not properly clear the WebUser cache.
3.2b6 29-Nov-99
- The Dynamic Cluster code is included into the mainstream releases.
- SMTP: recipient address checking has been changed to accommodate advanced Router techniques (routing to non-standard ports, bypassing MX records, etc.)
- DNR: now TCP connections are used to read extra-large DNS responses.
- CLI: the GETDOMAINALERTS and SETDOMAINALERTS commands are implemented.
- CLI: the GETACCOUNTRPOP and SETACCOUNTRPOP commands are implemented.
- CLI: the CREATESHAREDDOMAIN command is implemented.
- CLI: the LISTMAILBOXES command is implemented.
- CLI: the ROUTE command output format has changed.
- ROUTER: the ".here" domain names suffix is supported now.
- Admin: the Refresh button is added to the General Settings page.
- WebAdmin: the WebAdmin interface and WebUser interface Editors pages have been moved inside the WebAdmin/Accounts directory.
- WebUser: custom domain files cache speed is improved.
- Rules: the "in" and "not in" condition operations are implemented.
- Bug Fix: PIPE: module routing was broken in 3.2betas.
- Bug Fix: the General Settings WebAdmin page did not update all its settings in 3.2betas.
- Bug Fix: the mobile client support (Temp Addresses) was broken since 3.2b2.
- Bug Fix: SMTP: the module could crash if the highest priority MX record for a recipient domain had a priority value >= 32768.
- Bug Fix: IMAP: the BODYSTRUCTURE response was not composed correctly for Content-type: message subparts.
3.2b5 04-Nov-99
- IMAP: the fld-disp BODYSTRUCTURE extended data field output has been modified to provide compatibility with legacy IMAP clients.
- IMAP: the Literal format is used for ENVELOPE and BODYSTRUCTURE fields containing non-ASCII or special characters.
- SMTP: AUTHorization can be used to cleanup the "blacklisted" host flag.
- LIST: moderated subscribing mode is implemented.
- LIST: messages stored in the listname/request Mailbox now get the X-List-Report header.
- Admin: the CanAccessMailboxes domain administration Access Right is implemented.
- WebUser: letters/parts in the multipart/related format are supported now.
- WebUser: the "Open Mailbox" feature is added to the Subscribed Mailboxes page.
- Router: the default Relaying mode for Router records has been changed to Relay and the NoRelay tag is implemented. See the Router section for the details.
- Rules: the Any Recipient and Each Recipient conditions are now supported in the Server-Wide Rules.
- Bug Fix: very long input lines (>65K) sent to the service streams could cause server crashes.
- Bug Fix: memory leak in Domain Routing is fixed.
- Bug Fix: memory leak in WebUser Interface (Message viewer) is fixed.
- Bug Fix: WebUser: the Mailbox Refresh settings was not working correctly.
3.2b4 25-Oct-99
- RBL: now supporting RBL servers such as ORBS that return non-standard responses.
- WebSite: CGI scripts are now supported (use the Settings->WebSettings page to specify the
directory where the the /cgi-bin/ program files are located).
- WebSite: the banner insertion routine is improved.
- WebUser: the Show HTML inline/in frame option is implemented.
- WebAdmin: the Domains page processing is improved (aliases, sorting).
- Bug Fix: if a Secure (SSL/TLS) connection failed on an early stage of negotiation, the server could crash.
- Bug Fix: in 3.2b1-3 domain aliases for the main domain could not be removed.
- Bug Fix: IMAP: the BODYSTRUCTURE response had a space between the "multipart" part descriptors and did not have spaces between multiple part-body attributes. This could cause a problem to the "pine" IMAP client.
3.2b3 18-Oct-99
- Domains: Reroute Mail to Unknown: the "*" symbol processing is improved to put quotes back into the original "quoted" addresses.
- WebUser and Rules: if a recipient E-mail address is specified without the domain part, the domain name of the current account is added to the envelope address.
- Security: the U-crpt password encryption is supported for Unix platforms. This is useful for moving account passwords from old servers. See the Security section for the details.
- Security: now empty CommuniGate Passwords cannot be used for logging in, but they can be updated if users have logged in using OS or External Authentication.
- WebUser: attachments processing on the Compose.html page has been changed (to allow localization and modification of max. number of attachments). Update your customized Compose.html pages.
- Admin: the UnixPassword column is now supported in the Account Loader import files.
- Bug Fix: in 2.3b1-2, the SMTP AUTH workaround for Netscape Mail servers was not working.
- Bug Fix: in a client using SMTP AUTH could crash the server.
- Bug Fix: an uninitialized variable problem could crash the PWD server (accessed via its TLS port).
3.2b2 10-Oct-99
- Account Management: storing Account Settings in Central Directory database is implemented.
- Cluster: frontend-backend Clustering for SSL/TLS connections is implemented.
- Cluster: the Directory-based Cluster Routing is implemented.
- RPOP: the Leave on Server option is implemented.
- LDAP: array-type database data elements can be returned now (as multi-value LDAP SET elements).
- DataBase: TextManager (.tdb) databases now support complex (array, dictionary) data elements.
- DataBase: LDAPManager (.ldb) databases now support array-type (multi-value) data elements.
- SMTP: the "Use Forwarding Server" processing mode has been changed.
- SMTP: the '#' and '@' ETRN parameter prefix symbols are accepted (and ignored) now.
- MIME: headers with "folded strings" are processed correctly now.
- Account, Domain, SMTP, POP: the Mobile "Account Service" setting is implemented. Check that this option is enabled for all your mobile users. This is an anti-spam measure useful for sites providing free WebMail services.
- BSD Mailbox: message flags updating is delayed now. This should increase performance on under heavy load, especially POP3 load.
- Temp File: the Recycle Temp File option is implemented (see Obscure settings); this should increase performance under heavy load.
- The "Mail to Unknown" setting now applies only to mail routing, not to account name (Access) routing.
- WebSite Uploading: application/x-macbinary format is decoded now, so MS Explorer on Mac can be used to upload Web files.
- Bug Fix: LDAP: in 3.2b1 BIND-ing as "anybody" (using an empty username string) could crash the server.
- Bug Fix: 3.2b1 Account Rules Web interface failed to create a new Rule.
- Bug Fix: SMTP: the "Relay for hosts we backup" option did not work correctly.
- Bug Fix: IMAP: the LIST "" "name/%/%" command did not work correctly (Netscape could not see nested mail folders).
- Bug Fix: the Central Directory "Who can Browse" option was reset to "Anyone" after server restart.
- Bug Fix: message envelope addresses containing 8-bit characters inside a q-string were rejected.
3.2b1 17-Sep-99
- SMTP, POP, IMAP prompt strings and responses can be customized now. See the SysAdmin section of the manual for the details.
- LDAP: the AddRecord, DeleteRecord, ModifyRecord, and ModifyDN operations are supported now; the LDAP user should be authenticated and should have the All Domains server access right to be able to use these operations with the Central Directory database.
- The LDAP-based DataBase manager is implemented. See the Data section of the manual for the details.
- ACCOUNT: now if the Secure Authentication is set to Required, clear text passwords are still accepted, if they are passed via a secure (SSL/TLS) connection.
- ACCOUNT: an external authenticator can be used for SASL-type authentication.
- WebAdmin: access to account WebUser settings is now provided via a link on the Account Settings page.
- WebUser: the WebUser Settings now have the sever-level and domain-level Defaults (same mechanism as used for the Account Settings). The Defaults can be set by a server/domain administrator using the links on the Default Account Settings pages.
- WebUser: the Settings page: the ^A macro has been changed to ^b and the ^L macro has been removed.
- WebUser: Personal WebSite management has been moved inside WebUser Session processing (no additional authentication required).
- WebAdmin: access to the Personal WebSite management is now provided from within the WebAdmin "Domains" realm (no additional authentication required).
- WebUser: the SaveDraft and Save Sent operations now save messages with the "seen" flag pre-set.
- RULES: additional headers specified for React/Reply messages can now contain macro symbols.
- RULES: additional headers specified for Reply messages can now contain To/Cc header fields.
- RULES: additional headers specified for React/Reply messages can now contain Bcc header fields.
- CLI: the GetAccountRules and SetAccountRules commands are implemented.
- Bug Fix: LIST: "account closing" house-keeping procedure could cause a deadlock in the entire kernel (via locking the Router).
- Bug Fix: WebAdmin: WebSession Monitor processor generated the "STObject refCount != 0" messages in the OS system Log. This bug should not cause any problem.
- Bug Fix: the 3.1 LIST "cleanup" fix was not correct, unconfirmed subscribes still could be removed too early.
- Bug Fix: sometimes when the INBOX Mailbox was renamed, a new INBOX was not created.
3.1 01-Sep-99
- CLI: the UpdateModule command is added.
- CLI: the GetAccountInfo command is added.
- LIST: refs to the list Web Archive now point to the secure port if no unsecured one is enabled.
- WebAdmin: the Account Settings page now contains a link to the user Personal Web Site.
- Bug Fix: LIST: unconfirmed subscription requests were deleted from the subscriber list
during each "cleanup" job, without the 2 days waiting interval specified in the manual. As a
result some new subscribers had to send confirmation requests twice.
3.1b9 25-Aug-99
- WebUser/WebAdmin: image buttons are now accepted in multipart/form-data forms.
- WebAdmin: an administrator can now remove Alert messages.
- Domain: security options can be specified for "all"-type message distribution.
- WebUser: the mailing lists page now displays the list names in the sorted order.
- WebUser: the Via Trash and Immediate delete modes are implemented. The Delete Method
setting is added to the WebUser Settings page.
- WebUser: several additional message strings were placed into the Strings.data file.
- WebUser: the Baltic, Arabic, and Chinese charsets are added.
- Rules: the Header Field condition operation is implemented.
- Bug Fix: Accounts Importing did not work in 3.1b8.
- Bug Fix: the 3.1b7-b8 version did not place the "trusted" flag into the Mirror-ed messages.
- Bug Fix: updating the RPOP accounts could crash the 3.1b8 version.
- Bug Fix: the WebAdmin SMTP Read Monitor could crash if it saw a stream going through a clean-up procedure.
3.1b8 23-Aug-99
- MIME headers decoder now converts the underscore sign into the space symbol.
- Accounts: the External Authenticator is implemented (see the Security section of the
- WebUser: if the Subject field of the composed messages contains 8-bit characters,
it is sent in the MIME-encoded form now.
- PIPE: message delivery is multi-threaded now.
- PIPE: the module now processes the Envelope-Ignore and the Envelope-ID fields in submitted messages.
- LIST: the Insert Feed Prefix after Reply Prefix option is implemented.
- Kernel: the thread-killing mode is implemented.
- Rules: the Redirect/Mirror/Forward operations now put "additional headers" into the generated messages.
- sendmail: the --, -t, and -V parameters are supported now; processing of the -f and -F parameters has been improved.
- Bug Fix: the server could crash when displaying the Queue WebAdmin Monitor page on a heavily loaded system.
- Bug Fix: the server could crash when trying to access a just-deleted Mailbox message if
the message was the only one in that Mailbox.
- Bug Fix: 3.1b7 direct Mailbox addressing could crash the server.
- Bug Fix: 3.1b7-b6 could crash when inserting "hot links" into message HTML representations.
- Bug Fix: ACAP: comparison operations with the NIL operand could crash the server.
3.1b7 06-Aug-99
- Protection: multiple RBL Servers are supported now.
- SMTP: the name of the RBL server is now included into the rejection response.
- SMTP: unqualified recipient names are now qualified with a secondary domain name, if the
SMTP connection is established to an IP address assigned to a secondary domain.
- SMTP: the initial prompt timeout for not-last-chance relays increased to 2 minutes.
- SMTP/LOCAL: the Host Monitor pages now allow a system operator to specify the error code for the Reject operation.
- The Mirror-to operation (applied to queued messages) now preserves the original Return-Path envelope address.
- Account: the New MailBoxes Type setting is implemented.
- Account: Mailbox case sensitivity is enforced when running under MS Windows.
- LOCAL Delivery: Direct Mailbox Addressing is implemented.
- POP: Direct Mailbox Addressing is supported.
- Mailbox storage: "common base" storage is implemented for "Directory" Mailboxes (when a queued message
is being delivered to many directory-type Mailboxes, only one OS file is created).
- WebUser: the AutoWrap option is implemented. The "wrap=virtual" option is added to the Compose.html page.
- WebUser: the charset (^=) macro combination is added to service pages (mailboxes.html, settings.html, etc.)
- Redirecting/Forwarding: when multiple addresses are used, all addresses are included into the "To" header.
- Bug Fix: the new HTTP Redirect realm did not always set the text/html Content-type for its response.
- Bug Fix: in 3.1b6, updating the Router table on a Unix server inserted "return" symbols into the Table text.
- Bug Fix: WebUser: references to foreign Mailboxes (return jumps) were composed incorrectly.
3.1b6 02-Aug-99
- Central Directory: the Who Can Browse setting is implemented.
- Access: the Server-wide and Domain-Wide Alerts are implemented.
- LIST: the Keep To And Cc option is implemented.
- WebUser: web access to Central Directory is implemented (for both Logged in and Guest users).
- WebUser: the mailto "hot links" seen within a WebUser session open the WebUser Composer now.
- WebUser: now http "hot links" are processed via a Redirecting page to prevent Referer-based account cracking.
- the sendmail legacy mailer emulator is added.
- Bug Fix: account caching mechanism had a synchronization bug, which could cause memory corruption problems,
especially under a heavy load.
- Bug Fix: on some PPC platforms the domain alias data was not processed correctly.
- Bug Fix: WebUser: references to foreign Mailboxes were composed incorrectly.
3.1b5 19-Jul-99
- Domain: the Server OS User Name picture setting is implemented.
- Account: now OS passwords can be used for accounts in all domains (using the OS User Name picture settings).
- Rules: the FingerNotify action (useful for the NotifyMail® users) is implemented.
- HTTP: now the Date and Last-Modified HTTP headers are returned with static objects.
- WebUser: file extensions -> MIME association table is implemented (WebSession Settings).
- WebUser: now all message text components are displayed in the "wrappable" format, rather then in the "pre-formatted" format.
- WebUser: the Received header with the user current IP address in included into all composed messages.
- WebUser: the URLs in message bodies are presented as active URL links.
- WebUser: an alternative WebUser Session access method (/Session/ID/xx instead of /Account/xx?SID=ID) is implemented; the entrance and several default pages have been switched to use this method, and the "Message.html" portion processing is switched to use this method to avoid problems with file downloading using MS Internet Explorer.
- WebUser: Greek and Central European charsets are added. Charsets are now displayed by name rather than by their MIME codes.
- SMTP: messages received via authenticated connections are marked as "submitted by authenticated users".
- SMTP: the maximum number of parallel sending channels is automatically opened when the domain queue contains too many messages.
- LIST: duplicate envelope addresses are processed as one address now.
- LIST: the Verify Owner setting is implemented.
- LIST: the current number of subscribers is displayed on the List Monitor and Account Setting pages (when that number is available).
- LIST: the Notify Owner option is implemented.
- LIST: now the message body charset is specified in List service messages (Warnings, Welcome, etc.)
- SMTP: the ETRN command now applies the server Router to its argument.
- SMTP: the Hold Mail for Domains option is implemented.
- Account: the Add Mail Trailer and Add Web Banner settings are implemented.
- Rules: when a Reaction/Reply message is composed, the original subject text is MIME-decoded before substituting.
- Bug Fix: modifying Server-Wide Rules on a heavily-loaded server could result in a crash.
- Bug Fix: if the Personal Web Site size setting was set to Unlimited, the Web Site current file number was calculated incorrectly.
- Bug Fix: the 3.1b4 version failed to route addresses with IP-type domain parts.
3.1b4 07-Jul-99
- Kernel: the Crash Recovery General Setting is implemented (obsoletes the --NoCatch and --NoExceptions command line options).
- WebInterface: the CommuniGate Pro Guide are now shipped with the software and all the links in WebAdmin and WebUser pages are changed to the local server copy of the Guide.
- Rules: the Redirect All Mail simplified Rule is implemented.
- Accounts: files used for New Accounts Import can specify all account settings, as well as Central Directory supplementary fields.
- WebUser: access to the Index.html Personal Web Site file requires authorization now.
- WebUser: the Index.html Personal Web Site file format is customizable now; the page form fields allow an authorized user to upload files to that Personal Web Site, and to remove files from that site.
- WebUser: caching is optimized.
- WebUser: form-based page Editor for WebUser pages is implemented.
- WebAdmin: HTTP and form-based page Editor for WebAdmin pages is implemented.
- WebUser/Domain: The WebSite Banner Domain settings can be used to specify some HTML codes to insert into all HTML files retrieved from the domain Personal Web Sites.
- WebUser/WebAdmin: graphical (image) buttons are supported now.
- WebUser: "window" browsing for Mailboxes and mail list archives is implemented (i.e. when there are more messages that can be displayed on the page, the user can use the next/previous buttons).
- CLI: the GetAccount * command (available to all users) in implemented.
- BSD Mailbox: a Mailbox with a damaged last line (w/o EOL) cannot be opened now (manual Mailbox correction is required).
- Logs: time stamp composing algorithm has been changed.
- Router: module-level routing is optimized.
- Bug Fix: account passwords set via the WebAdmin Interface were encrypted even if the encryption setting was set to "clear text".
- Bug Fix: MailDir-type accounts were not processed correctly after server restart.
- Bug Fix: the SSL/TLS module could report "wrong version number" because of a buffer processing bug.
3.1b3 30-Jun-99
- Kernel: X.509 certificate routines are implemented.
- Kernel: BigNumber library is implemented.
- Kernel: Cryptography library is implemented.
- Kernel: SSL 3.0 and portions of TLS 1.0 security protocols are implemented.
- Listener: Local Address binding is implemented (to allow the server to accept connections on a selected local IP address only).
- Listener: multi-socket listeners are implemented (the server can now accept connections on several port numbers and/or several local IP addresses).
- Listener: individual Remote IP Address restrictions are implemented.
- SMTP: the STARTTLS extension (secure communication) is implemented.
- SASL: the LOGIN method accepts initial parameters now (should eliminate the AUTH problem when getting mail from Netscape Servers).
- LDAP: during an initial install, the LDAP module is configured to accept clear text connections on the TCP port 389, and secure connections - on the TCP port 636.
- LDAP: the BIND operation processing has been changed to provide compatibility with Netscape and Microsoft clients.
- IMAP: during an initial install, the IMAP module is configured to accept clear text connections on the TCP port 143, and secure connections - on the TCP port 993.
- IMAP: the UID messages set specifications n:* where n is larger than the largest UID in the Mailbox return empty sets now.
- MIME: searching inside MIME-encoded headers is implemented.
- PIPE: support for Envelope-To: headers is implemented.
- RPOP: retrieving UDWA messages has been improved.
- WebUser: the Cache Files option and the Flush Cache button are added to the Domain Settings.
- WebUser: the MailboxViewRegularHeader and MailboxViewHilitedHeader elements are added to the Strings.data file.
- Bug Fix: the Reply/React Rule operation could place garbage into the From: field of the generated messages.
- Bug Fix: 3.1b2 versions could crash when logging a Rule redirect/forward./mirror action.
- Bug Fix: 3.1b1-2 versions could crash when redirecting messages using a Server-wide Rule.
3.1b2 09-Jun-99
- WebAdmin: Account Settings, Template and Defaults have separated HTML page files now.
- Admin: the Account Template can now specify the additional Mailboxes to create for all new accounts
and the initial Mailbox subscriptions for new accounts.
- WebUser: LIST browser: next/previous message switching mechanism has been changed to avoid
an intermediate jump page. The old mechanism is still supported for compatibility with old customized List Browser pages.
- WebUser: the Cache-Control: no-cache HTTP attribute is added to various WebUser interface pages.
- WebUser: the FORM element in the Mailbox.html page has been modified to avoid various problems
(like inability to undelete a just-deleted message).
- WebUser Mailbox browser: the From field is substituted with the To field for the Mailboxes specified
as Sent and Drafts Mailboxes.
- WebUser: the reply/forwarded message Composer MIME-decodes the original message Subject.
- LIST: message subjects are MIME-decoded and excessive Re:/Re> prefix strings are removed
when messages are inserted into a digest and/or distributed in the feed mode.
- Bug Fix: in 3.1b1 on most Unix platforms the account Rules page always showed the actions allowed for
the Filter Only level.
- Bug Fix: in 3.1b1, generating a digest for a list without any digest subscriber could crash the server.
- Bug Fix: WebUser: the Save As Draft operation could place garbage into the message return-path field.
3.1b1 07-Jun-99
- Admin: the Account password encryption setting is implemented.
- Rules: the multi-level Rule specifying rights are implemented.
- WebUser: all attachments (including text files) are sent encoded now.
- HTTP: the Roaming support for Netscape is implemented.
- HTTP: the MOVE HTTP method is implemented for personal Web sites.
- LIST: Settings Web pages have been changed: the Archive/Digest settings have been moved to a separate page.
- LIST: The Digest Format setting is implemented.
- LIST: postings from "non-human" sources are rejected now.
- LIST: the confirm operation is implemented.
- Bug Fix: WebUser: displaying a Message page for a just deleted message could crash the Server.
3.0.1 30-May-99
- Relay restrictions: Mobile users support is improved (see the Protection section).
- SMTP: relay rejection code is changed to 4xx if the Mail From: address is routed to a local
account address (this makes the "use POP, then send mail" method more useful for mobile users).
- Rules: the messages generated with automatic Redirect/Forward/Mirror rules get an additional Received header now;
this stops "inside-the-server" mail redirection loops.
- MIME: charset name processing is case-insensitive now.
- WebUser: the MarkAll button is added to the Mailbox pages.
- WebUser: the Messages To Display option is added to the settings (it is used for account mailing lists, too).
- WebUser: attachment file name processing is improved.
- WebUser: text attachments are displayed as regular attachments, not as inline components.
- WebUser: the Info parameter can be used on the Mailbox pages now.
- LDAP: the Make LDAP Server Slower option is implemented (to avoid Netscape crashes).
- Bug Fix: LDAP server could crash when processing malformed search requests.
- Bug Fix: MIME: on RISC platforms, the destructor could cause stack overflow when releasing MIME structures with
several thousand elements (as in WebAdmin HTML forms for large subscriber lists).
3.0 24-May-99
- Migration: the MovePOPMail, MoveIMAPMail, and MoveAccounts programs are included into the package. See the Migration section for the details.
- IMAP: the Envelope fields Sender and Reply-To are now defaulted to the From field as required by RFC2060.
- LIST: the unsubscribe and mode change operations can be now performed "silently". The "posting prohibited" policy can now be set as default for new subscribers.
- LDAP: if the "search root" includes the c=country string and the Central Directory does not contain the "c" data, the "c=country" filter is removed (to avoid problems with MS Outlook).
- WebUser: the "Edit Draft" operation is implemented.
- CLI: the ROUTE command is implemented.
- Bug Fix: LDAP: the "strictly equals" string operation parser could crash the server.
3.0b8 16-May-99
- IMAP: the Fetch BODYSTRUCTURE responses now include the Content-ID and the Disposition extension fields.
- Account: the Accept Mail To All option is implemented.
- WebAdmin: the WebAdmin directory in a secondary domain directory can be used to customize that domain administrator WebAdmin Interface.
- Bug Fix: IMAP: Fetch ENVELOPE parsing routine could address out-of-buffer data.
- Bug Fix: BSD Mailboxes: message saving and Mailbox parsing routines could read data beyond buffer boundaries, causing crashes on some platforms (FreeBSD).
- Bug Fix: the Mail for Unknown parameter did not work in 3.0b7 version.
- Bug Fix: changing the RPOP module settings could crash the server in 3.0b5-7 versions.
3.0b7 10-May-99
- Domain/Accounts: the concept of Default Settings is introduced (see the Accounts and Domains manual sections for the details.
- DomainAdmin: now the system administrator can specify all operations the domain administrator is allowed to do.
- Admin: now the system administrator should have only the "AllDomains" right, not the Master Right to specify access (domain administration) rights for the accounts in non-main domains.
- WebAdmin: the Domain Administration entrance page (accesses via http://domainname:8010) is unprotected now, and it contains a link to the protected domain administration realm.
- CLI: SetAccountTemplate command is changed into UpdateAccountTemplate.
- CLI: GetAccountDefaults/UpdateAccountDefaults operations are implemented.
- CLI: now the special value default can be used in the UpdateAccount and UpdateDomain commands.
- PIPE: the Processing Time Out option is implemented.
- LOCAL: the RFC822 field name for storing envelope recipients can be customized now.
- WebUser: the Composer component now selects the proper charset and adds the charset parameter to composed messages.
- PWD: prompt format and login processing has been changed to support the APOP authentication method.
- Bug Fix: QUEUE: Non-ASCII characters in envelope addresses are processed correctly now.
- Bug Fix: Domains: a domain with non-flat foldering could not be removed.
- Bug Fix: WebUser: the Refresh Mailbox rate was not properly stored in the Viewer settings.
- Bug Fix: DOMAIN: domain aliases were not processed correctly when a domain was renamed or removed.
3.0b6 28-Apr-99
- Domain/Account: the Enabled Services options are implemented.
- LOCAL: mail to domains/accounts with the disabled Mail service is suspended in queue now.
- LOCAL: now mail to "almost full" accounts can be suspended in Queue.
- LOCAL: WebAdmin monitor for waiting accounts and for account queues is implemented.
- WebAdmin: now administrators can use the HOST Monitor pages to reject all messages waiting in the Host queue.
- HTTP: internal caching scheme has been changed.
- Domain: RPOP accounts limit is implemented.
- Domain: zero limits can be specified for domain accounts, mailing lists and RPOP accounts.
- WebAdmin/WebUser: Mailing Lists pages are customizable now.
- WebAdmin: now domain administrator access is available for domains without A-records (and for domains that have A-records pointing to a different server). See the HTTP module section for the details (new URL schema).
- WebUser/Archive: preferred charset is used to view messages w/o any explicitly specified charset.
- CLI: the DLACNT alias of the DeleteAccount command did not work.
- CLI: the RenameAccount, RenameList, and RenameDomain command syntax has been changed.
- CLI: the ListLists command has been added.
- WebUser: the name of the HTML page to display when a user logs in is customizable now (stored in the Strings.data file).
- HTTP: a new WebUser setting allows you to specify a prefix for user personal Web Site URLs.
- Bug Fix: search operations in the domain alias database were case-sensitive.
3.0b5 16-Apr-99
- Security: the CommuniGate Pro passwords are stored in an encrypted format now.
- CLI: mailing list manipulation commands have been added.
- WebUser/WebAdmin: Routing of Domain names has been changed (see the HTTP/Routing section for
the details).
- RPOP: the Last info field has been added to individual RPOP setting tables.
- RPOP: the Allow Self-Poll option is implemented.
- RPOP: WebAdmin Monitoring is improved.
- RPOP: Retrieval via non-standard ports (servername:port) is implemented.
- LIST: the Preferred charset and Reject Non-Matching Charset options are implemented.
- LIST: the fields in a digest Table of Contents are MIME-decoded.
- LIST: the charset is now specified for the TOC part.
- WebUser: the Preferred charset option is implemented.
- WebUser: Mailbox displaying algorithms/formats have been improved.
- Web/MIME: Message header fields encoded in the MIME format are decoded now..
- SMTP: relay selection algorithm is changed to provide better connectivity to slow/remote sites.
- SMTP: a space after ":" is removed from the Mail From: and Rcpt To: commands. Some
broken mail servers do not accept SMTP commands with a space after the colon sign.
- SMTP: sending to non-standard SMTP ports is implemented.
- POP: locking model has changed to avoid problems with broken connections.
- The Aliases database is renamed into the DomainAliases database.
- WebUser: some strings have been moved to the String.data file.
- WebUser: an option specifying the default sorting order is added.
- WebUser: an option specifying the Mailbox refresh rate is added.
- WebAdmin: last access IP address is displayed in the Account List now.
- Monitor synchronization algorithms have been optimized.
- Windows NT: both local OS accounts and accounts in the trusted domains can now be used for OS-based authentication.
3.0b4 09-Apr-99
- Security: if a password check fails, client processing is suspended for 2 seconds now.
- CLI: GetAccountTemplate and SetAccountTemplate operations are implemented.
- CLI: GetAccountRights and SetAccountRights operations are implemented.
- Foundation: external task starting is modified to address thread-safety issues on the Solaris,
FreeBSD, and Linux platforms.
- Bug Fix: routing of listname-request and listname-admin addresses was broken in 3.0b1-3 versions.
- Bug Fix: LDAP "substring searches" could crash the 3.0b1-3 versions.
- Bug Fix: the 3.0b3 version allowed unrestricted access to accounts that had the "use OS password" option set, if no user with the account name was registered with the server OS.
3.0b3 07-Apr-99
- WebAdmin: WebUser Monitor and WebUser Settings pages are implemented.
- WebAdmin: PIPE Monitor is implemented.
- IMAP: message-set processing changed (for Eudora compatibility).
- Kernel: backslash processing in RFC822 comments has been fixed.
- Foundation: a workaround for Solaris DST (Daylight Saving Time) bug.
- Bug Fix: IMAP processing in 3.0b2 could enter an infinite loop.
- Bug Fix: 3.0b1-b2 on some platforms failed to rename/remove accounts.
- Bug Fix: launching external tasks (Rules, PIPE) could lock.
3.0b2 02-Apr-99
- Major Foundation Library redesign, many components modified to take the advantage of
the new Foundation classes.
- SMTP: the Message Recipients Limit option is implemented.
- SMTP/Router: the spamtrap address processing is implemented.
- SMTP: envelope processing is improved.
- SMTP: the ORCPT parameter is passed/generated when mail is relayed.
- RPOP: the Minimum Poll Period for Users option is implemented.
- RPOP: the Maximum Poll Accounts per User option is implemented.
- WebUser: address book entries sorting is implemented.
- WebUser: mailing list archives URL schema has changed.
- LIST: the Only Subscribers list archive Browse mode is implemented.
- CLI: GetAccountAliases and SetAccountAliases commands are implemented.
- CLI: GetDomainAliases and SetDomainAliases commands are implemented.
- Bug Fix: the WebUser time-outer thread was not correctly synchronized with access threads; this could cause server crashes.
- Bug Fix: account removal operations could fail because the Personal WebSite files were not removed automatically.
- Bug Fix: Web pages uploading was broken in 3.0b1.
3.0b1 26-Mar-99
- Cluster: Cluster support Settings are implemented.
- Cluster: POP, ACAP, IMAP, and PWD cluster support is implemented.
- Cluster: Personal Web Site cluster support is implemented.
- Cluster: WebUser Interface cluster support is implemented.
- Account Prefs: Address Books are implemented.
- WebUser: access to account AddressBooks is implemented.
- WebUser: Save Sent Messages and Save as Draft options are implemented.
- Domain Aliases are implemented.
- PIPE: non-empty stderr output is now used in the error messages generated
when processing ended with a non-zero code.
- Redirect: the automatically (via Rules) redirected messages have non-NULL
Return-Paths now (instead, the notify=never DSN is used for all generated recipient addresses).
3.5 18-Dec-01
- Linux/S390 version is released.
- Linux/M68K version is released.
Domains, Accounts, Objects
- Domains,WebUser Settings: non-ASCII attributes are supported now.
- Account Templates: the Initial Message text now can start with the [charset] prefix.
- DIRECTORY INTEGRATION: Server-Wide and Cluster-Wide settings are implemented.
- WebAdmin: Admin account Preferences processor has been changed.
- Migration: the MoveAccounts program and its parameters have been changed.
- Mailboxes: the "Redirected" message status is implemented.
- Groups: non-ASCII "real names" are supported now.
- Accounts: non-ASCII "real names" and "custom attributes" are supported now.
- Account Templates: non-ASCII "real names", "custom attributes", and Mailbox names are supported now.
- WebSite: nested folders are supported now. The WebAdmin WebSite.html and WebUser WebSite.html and UserSiteIndex.html files have been updated.
- Now Domain Administrators can control several Domains. See the SysAdmin section of the manual for more Details.
- The Banned Header and Body line settings are implemented. See the Protection section of the manual.
- The Client By Name option is implemented.
- The Unblacklistable (WhiteHole) Addresses list is implemented.
- RBL: RBL responses in the 127.1.x.x range are now recognized as "blacklist it" responses.
- The login-disabling options protecting Accounts from Password Attacks are implemented.
- Now Certificate Signing Requests can be generated and new Certificates can be set without prior removing of an existing certificate.
- The SASL NTLM method now works with Macintosh versions of Microsoft products (Outlook Express, Entourage).
- The SASL NTLM authentication method is supported now (this method allows you to use the "Secure Password Authentication" option in Microsoft products).
- The "search PTR records" operation is implemented.
- The new Custom setting allows an administrator to specify DNS Server addresses explicitly. See the SysAdmin section for the details.
- Additional settings are implemented.
- Requests to RBL servers are sent "quickly", so if an RBL server is down incoming SMTP connections do not
- Preferences now work for Secondary Domain Administrators, too.
- The Charset parameter has been added to the Administrator Preferences.
- Alerts are stored using the UTF-8 charset.
- The /MainAdmin/ realm is implemented (see the HTTP section of the manual).
- Log settings can now be changed only if the Administrator has the CanModifySettings Server Access rights.
- Additional Monitor Access Rights are implemented.
- WebSkins are implemented. Now all domains that do not have files in the Account subfolder of the old
custom WebUser Interface directory use the new Skins Interface.
- The "Trash" Mailbox can now be replaced with a Mailbox alias (useful to create a "shared Trash" Mailbox for several accounts).
- The "Redirected" message status is set when a message is redirected or forwarded.
- Renaming and remove Mailboxes when the Show Subscribed option is enabled now renames/removes the Mailbox and submailboxes from the Subscription list.
- The Composer encodes non-ASCII attachment file names.
- URLs for non-ASCII attachments are now composed in the UTF8 charset (to work with Windows Internet Explorer).
- Address Books records are sorted now.
- Attachments in the AppleDouble format are displayed correctly.
- Auto-wrap algorithms have been changed.
- The autoWrap "flowed" option has been added.
- The charset parameter of message parts containing the ASCII-only symbols is ignored now.
- The directory processing has been changed, the directory.wssp and the sessiondirectory.wssp pages have been modified.
- Now when Sent and Drafts Mailboxes are auto-created, they are auto-subscribed to and the Mailbox list is refreshed.
- More tags and tag parameters are cleaned out from HTML message portions now.
- The folderIndex and adminDomainName attributes have been added to the CommuniGateDirectoryDomain objectClass in the default Schema.
- The mailListSettings and groupOptions attributes have been added to the default Directory Schema.
- The fileData attribute and the CommuniGateWebInterface objectClass have been added to the default Directory Schema.
- The CAChain attribute has been added to the default Schema.
- The mailListSettings and groupOptions attributes have been added to the Directory Schema.
- Spaces around the comma signs are removed from the DN string.
- The "search"-type operations now enter the subtrees stored on different Units.
- Thread priority routines are implemented.
- Linux: the STTask routines have been changed to avoid leaving "zombies" of killed processes.
- BSD: the STDictoryEnumerator routines have been changed to avoid directory-detection problems on NFS filesystems.
- AIX: build parameters have been modified to support 6000+ threads.
- Startup: Unix startup scripts have been modified to support a custom Startup.sh file in the {Base} directory.
- Start TLS (RFC2830) is supported now.
- The Compare operation is implemented.
- LDAP-based provisioning for regular domains is implemented (see the Directory Integration section of the manual).
- The WebAdmin Monitor interface to SNMP data is implemented.
- The "total number of jobs"-type parameters now have the Counter data type.
- HTTP monitoring elements have been added.
- Processing of "not-found" elements have been changed to match the SNMPv2 specs.
- The parser has been changed to allow special symbols in the left part of the alias records (records like <FAX=*> = * can be used now).
- Now account alias records can be used for the Central Directory-based Routing.
- Now the Leave On Server option works with any types of UIDs remote servers present and the list of retrieved UIDs is preserved between Server restarts.
- The APOP option is added to individual RPOP records.
- When retrieving mail from Unified Domain-Wide Accounts without using Special Headers, the module now checks
that To:/Cc: addresses can be routed to a Local account (rather than just checking that they are directly addressing the Main Domain).
- The "virtual Mailbox" code has been redesigned.
- Mailing List Archives can be browsed via any cluster member.
- The GETLIST and UPDATELIST commands work with any Cluster member.
- The Create/Rename/remove operations for Forwarders and Groups work with any Cluster member.
- Accounts in Shared Directory-based Domains can be administered from any Cluster member.
- The Cluster-Wide Rules are implemented.
- The Cluster-Wide Router Table is implemented.
- Cluster-wide Default Domain Settings, Default Account Settings, Alerts, and WebSkins are implemented.
- The cluster-wide Protection settings are implemented.
- The Dynamic Cluster Controller now tries to move the owner account to itself before creating a mailing list.
- The IMAP and ACAP backend login responses now carry the "Relay" flag.
- Slave startup procedure has been changed to avoid problems on systems with a large number of shared domains.
- Header fields added with the frontend Server Rules are now stored by backends.
- The TURN command is implemented to support dial-up client sites running Microsoft Exchange servers.
- Now the ATRN command is always accepted from non-client addresses (after the AUTH command).
- A workaround for sending mail to buggy firewall relays is implemented.
- The Wake up Now button has been added to the SMTP Settings WebAdmin page.
- The "send encrypted wherever possible" option is implemented.
- When message sending fails because the receiving host drops the connection, the message is re-enqueued
(to avoid queue blocking for hosts that violate standards and just drop connections when they do not want to accept certain messages).
- Input messages exceeding the size limit are received, but they are not stored in files.
- The Advertise NTLM AUTH option is implemented.
- Now when the module sends the STARTTLS command, it uses the SSLv3 (rather than SSLv2) "hello" operation.
- The Force AUTH option is implemented.
Local Delivery
- The X-Special-Delivery: test header field now works with the Local Delivery module, too: messages with
that field are not stored in the Account Mailboxes.
- If a message is delayed by a Cluster backend, the entire account queue is suspended now.
- The SNMP statistics elements have been implemented.
- The parameterless AUTH command is supported now (for MS Outlook compatibility).
- Access to empty INBOX Mailboxes has been optimized.
- The STARTTLS/STLS option is seen in the CAPABILITY response only if the addressed Domain has the Security Certificate option enabled.
- The FETCH algorithms have been changed to avoid loading large messages into memory.
- The STARTTLS/STLS option is seen in the CAPABILITY response only if the addressed Domain has the Security Certificate option enabled.
- Non-standard parameters of the Content-Type and Content-Disposition fields are retrieved now.
- The Cluster-wide versions of the commands dealing with Default Domain and Default Account settings are implemented.
- The Alert Administration commands are implemented.
- The LISTSUBSCRIBERS command is implemented.
- The WRITELOG command is implemented.
- Banned Header, Protection, and Cluster Protection commands are implemented.
- The GETCLUSTERRULES and SETCLUSTERRULES commands are implemented.
- The [GET|UPDATE|SET][ACCOUNT|DOMAIN] commands have been renamed into the [GET|UPDATE|SET][ACCOUNT|DOMAIN]SETTINGS commands. Old names continue to work, too.
- The [GET|SET][CLUSTER]DIRECTORYINTEGRATION commands are implemented.
- The Skin Administration commands are implemented.
- The GETCLIENTIPS and GETBLACKLISTEDIPS commands are implemented.
- The GETWEBUSERSESSION and KILLWEBUSERSESSION commands are implemented.
- The SetAccountPassword command is implemented.
- when archive Mailboxes are swapped, the newly created archive Mailbox gets the ACLs of the old archive Mailbox.
- The "Hide From Address" option is implemented.
- RFC2919 (LIST-ID header field) is implemented.
- Additional subscriber address checks are implemented to avoid self-subscribing of the special mailing list addresses (-on, -subscribe, -off, etc.)
- Foreign Queue processing is implemented.
- [STDERR], [FILE], [RCPT], and [RETPATH] tags are implemented.
- Reply and React texts can start with a [charset] prefix.
- The Vacation Rule priority is not set to 2, to make the server apply it before the Redirect All Rule.
Directory-Based Domains
- Groups are supported now.
- Custom WebUser and WebAdmin Interfaces are supported now.
- Skin support is implemented.
Bug Fixes
- Bug Fix: Cluster: the "addMessages" operation did not work correctly with Virtual Mailboxes.
- Bug Fix: CLUSTER: WebAdmin: Personal WebSite administration did not work across Cluster members.
- Bug Fix: ROUTER/DNR changes in 3.5b1 effectively disabled the SMTP RBL feature.
- Bug Fix: RULES: the Reply/React operations in 3.5b1 incorrectly inserted the From:/Sender: header field.
- Bug Fix: WebUser/WebAdmin: in 3.4b3 version custom file uploading could fail in regular (non-directory-based) Domains.
- Bug Fix: CLUSTER: renaming a shared domain did not rename Domain Aliases on all cluster members.
- Bug Fix: WebUser: non-standard MIME content types and subtypes could be returned corrupted.
- Bug Fix: new (Skin-based) List Archive Browser pages did not have the correct charset specified.
- Bug Fix: old (Web-User and WebAdmin) List Subscribers pages could crash the server if the list had the Require Confirmation option disabled.
- Bug Fix: Skins: the default rules.wssp and rule.wssp files did not have the closing </SELECT> tag, causing problems for Netscape browsers.
- Bug Fix: Skins: the webUserSiteIndex internal code routine misplaced the account name (was shown as an error code).
- Bug Fix: WebUser: the Auto-wrap algorithm for "flowed" texts could cause crashes on some platforms.
- Bug Fix: HTTP: the Redirect operation placed "http://" into the Location header even if the current connection was an https one.
- Bug Fix: Viewing the "Queue" Monitor page could cause Queue deadlock.
- Bug Fix: Rules: if the Reply/Reply All operation parameter was specified with the "+" sign and additional
headers, the Cc: headers were not processed at all, and Bcc: headers caused parsing errors.
- Bug Fix: Mailbox renaming for non-top level Mailboxes did not work with the "rename Submailboxes" option.
- Bug Fix: Directory: Remote Units: the Search operation returned "unstripped" DNs when the "Server Base" setting was non-empty.
- Bug Fix: 3.3-3.5b9 a rare deadlock situation (in all prior versions) could stop ENQUEUER and DEQUEUER processors if an administrator opened the Message Monitor page.
- Bug Fix: 3.2-3.5b9 message file stored in the MDIR Mailboxes by Cluster backends could be improperly replaced with file links if the Reuse Temp Files option was enabled.
- Bug Fix: 3.4-3.5b9: supplementary send-phase relay checking algorithms were not the same as the input-phase algorithms, causing relay refusals in some rare situations.
- Bug Fix: 3.3-3.5b9: Directory: Local Unit: the delete record operation incorrectly checked if record children existed.
- Bug Fix: 3.4-3.5b9: CLUSTER: the POP3 "relaying enabled" flags were not processed correctly on frontends.
3.4 28-Feb-01
- OpenBSD/Intel version is released.
- BeOS/Intel version is released.
Domains, Accounts, Objects
- Directory-based Domains: Personal WebSite support is implemented.
- Directory-based Domains: Account Removal is implemented.
- Directory-based Domains: Account Renaming now renames the Account files, too - if they reside within the DirectoryDomains file directory.
- Directory-based Domains: Forwarders are implemented.
- Directory-based Domains: when account is auto-created on first access, the INBOX Mailbox and other account details
(suppl. Mailboxes, Mailbox aliases, subscriptions, etc.) are automatically created, too.
- Statistics on received messages (per Domain) is collected now.
- The global DomainAliases.tdb file is phased out. Now the DomainAliases.data file in the Settings directory of the Domain subdirectories is used to store this domain aliases.
The content of DomainAliases.tdb is moved automatically to those files, and the DomainAliases.tdb file is renamed into DomainAliases.tdb.unused.
- Domains: the Send To Forwarders option has been added to the Mail to All panel.
- Template: Initial (default.html) page for Personal WebSites can be specified now.
- Template: Initial (Greeting) message can be specified now.
- Forwarders: addresses without '@' and '%' symbols are qualified using the forwarder Domain name.
- Account: the Collect Account Statistics setting is implemented (the Obscure page).
- Account: the new method is used to recalculate the MailStore size stored in the .info files.
- Passwords: the --BatchLogon command line parameter is documented.
- Passwords: now the U-crpt password encryption can be used on Windows-based servers, too.
- The Consult External Authenticator Domain Settings is implemented.
- MDIR Mailboxes are now parsed correctly even if the message internal date was set to 0.
- The ACL subsystem has been redesigned.
- Foreign Mailboxes can be renamed and deleted now.
- The Mailbox view creation algorithm has been changed.
- The "~username" Mailbox aliases are implemented now - they provide access to all shared Mailboxes in the specified account.
- Now all 'outer' Mailboxes are automatically created when a sub-mailbox is created.
- ENQUEUER design is multi-threaded now.
- The Dequeuer messages can be customized now (using the General->Strings page).
- the Copy Failure Reports option is implemented.
- Delivery delay warnings are implemented.
- A separate Domain Controller is implemented.
- The Account Controller is completely redesigned.
- The Account and Domain Controllers now automatically move to a different
backend server if the current Controller backend server fails.
- Error codes reported by backends are now transparently relayed via frontends to client mailers.
- POP Alert messages generated on backends are now relayed via frontends to client mailers.
- Backend IMAP alerts issued at the login time are now passed to the client.
- Errors on inter-server SMTP connections do not turn on delays and other anti-attack mechanisms.
- Personal Web Site support now works in both Static and Dynamic Clusters w/o exceptions.
- Domain Aliases are now properly initiated during the frontend and "slave" backend startups, and the
domain aliases are properly removed from all servers when the domain is removed.
- Non-local IP Addresses can be assigned to shared domains in Static Clusters.
- Domain Aliases now work for Shared Domains (Dynamic CLUSTER).
- Directory-based Domains can be used for Static Clustering now.
- "Virtual" Mailbox objects are implemented (allowing an Account opened on one server to access Mailboxes in an account opened on a different server).
- ROUTER: algorithms used for Local Domain Routing are redesigned.
- The PLAIN authentication method now uses an empty challenge string.
- The Hide Unknown Account Error option is implemented and it is enabled by default. See the Security section for more details.
- The External Authenticator internals are redesigned, its settings are moved to the Helpers page.
- Content Filtering/Anti-Virus API is implemented (see the Rules section).
- McAfee scanning plugin is implemented.
- Directory: Remote Units: the Server Subtree setting is implemented.
- Directory: many attributes and objectClasses have been added to the Local Unit built-in Schema.
- Directory: the Import LDIF and Import LMOD functions are implemented in the WebAdmin Interface.
- Directory: the Search Results Limit setting is added to the Local Unit settings.
- Directory: Local: the Enforce Schema setting is implemented (it is now enabled by default).
- DIRECTORY: the "cn=schema" subtree is implemented. The Local Unit schema can be retrieved and extended using the 'cn=schema' record.
Directory Integration
- The "UID Subtree" setting is implemented.
- The mail attribute processing can be fine-tuned now. See the LDAP Module chapter for the details.
- The 'Store Passwords for Regular Accounts' option is implemented.
- The hostServer attribute can be renamed now.
- Forwarder records are now included into the Domain directory subtree.
- The message size has been added to the RETR command response (to make Netscape mailer show its progress bar correctly).
- The login response line contains the total size of all messages in the Mailbox (to make the Netscape e-mail client happy).
- The PREFIX, SUBSTRING, and SUFFIX filters are implemented.
- The Personal Web Site prefix is now detected after URL decoding.
- The Content-Description field is processed now.
- The MULTIAPPEND extension is implemented.
- RFC2971 (the "ID" extension) is implemented.
- The HELP command is implemented.
- The Content-Transfer-encoding header field is removed from distributed 'feed' messages only
if its value is '7bit' (previous versions removed the header with the value of '8-bit', too).
- delivery to Lists now works without exceptions in both Dynamic and Static Clusters.
- the "Special" posting mode processing has been changed to make it possible to subscribe lists to
other lists.
- Processing is re-scheduled when an RPOP record changes its poll period value.
- The Queue (Wait) page is added to the WebAdmin Monitors.
- Relay To Client settings can be set to "no".
- Relaying settings have been modified.
- The Send Warnings setting is implemented.
- If LDAP connections to the Central Directory fail, the SMTP module now
returns a non-fatal error code for unroutable addresses.
- The Local IP Address for outgoing SMTP connections can be specified now.
- The server now reports the "DNS Loop" situation only if a remote host name resolves
into an IP Address the SMTP Listener is enabled for.
- The domain name used in the ATRN command must be included into the Hold Mail for Domains list.
- The Advertise 8BITMIME option is implemented.
Local Delivery
- The Send Warnings setting is implemented.
- Delivery to "all" now works without exceptions in both Dynamic and Static Clusters.
- Rules: the [RCPT] Execute operation prefix is implemented.
- Rules: The Redirect All simplified Rule now has the "Preserve To/Cc fields" option.
- The CGatePro-MIB.txt file now includes the absolute OIDs.
WebUser Interface
- The Session Time Limit setting is implemented.
- If the Save a Copy option is selected on the Compose page and the Mailbox with the specified name does not exist, a new Mailbox is automatically created.
- The Thai charsets support is implemented.
- The Reply operation now uses a smarter algorithm to find plain text message portions.
- The Strings.data file now contains the "Translator" dictionary that can be used to translate
pop-up menus like those used in the Rule composer.
- The "Print-friendly" message link is implemented, the Strings.data "MessageHeaderEnd" string has been modified.
- The X-UUEncode MIME encoding is supported now.
- The UUencoded files embedded into plain text messages are displayed now.
- The keywords INBOX and Trash can be "translated" in the Strings.data file now, so these "fixed-name" Mailboxes can be "renamed on screen".
- The HeaderNames dictionary is added to the Strings.data file. It can be used to change the names of the RFC822 header fields used on the Mailbox and Message pages.
- Japanese (ISO-2022-JP) characters are now correctly processed in the message header fields on the Compose page.
- The UTF8 mode for the Chinese (Big5 and GB2312) encodings is supported now.
- The UTF8 mode for the Japanese (ISO-2022-JP) encodings is supported now.
- The StatReset keys were added to the Domain and Account Statistics data.
- The CREATEWEBUSERSESSION command is implemented.
- The GETACCOUNTLISTS and GETDOMAINLISTS return value types are changed to dictionary.
- The GETDOMAINLISTS is now the preferred name for the LISTLISTS command.
- The MAINDOMAINNAME command is implemented.
- The DELETEMAILBOX, RENAMEMAILBOX commands are implemented.
- The RefreshOSData, GetRouterTable, and SetRouterTable commands are implemented.
- WebAdmin: Administrator Preferences are implemented (see the SysAdmin->HTTP section of the manual for more details).
- WebAdmin: the Preferences settings are implemented for POP,IMAP,ACAP,LIST,SMTP,LOCAL,PIPE, and RPOP Monitors.
- WebAdmin: the Preferences settings are implemented for the Domain Account List page.
- WebAdmin: all numeric settings can now be set to some "other" (unlisted) value.
- WebAdmin: now Account Rules can be specified in the Account Import file.
- The "Drop Server Root privilege" options are implemented (Unix only). See the SysAdmin section for the details.
- TLS 3.1 is implemented.
- The Generate Key option is added to the Domain Security page.
- Support for 2048-bit keys and long Certificates is added.
- The Certificate Authority Chain option is implemented.
- The nested TLS negotiations are supported now. They are used to implement strong (128-bit) SSL encryption with weak (40-bit), "export-legal" products.
- Migration: the MoveIMAPMail and MovePOPMail utilities now support the --noTimeOut flag.
- The old DataBase Managers (handling the .tdb and .ldb files) are phased out.
- Notifier: the Log Level and Queue size can now be specified using the Obscure page.
- Foundation: the STSkipList data structure is implemented.
- Foundation: the OS Password checking routines now check for the OS Account and Password expiration dates.
Bug Fixes
- MAILBOX: the 'mailbox list' routine incorrectly capitalized names of 'xxxx/inbox' sub-mailboxes.
- Log recording stopped if the total size of all logs generated since the last server restart
exceeded 4GB.
- Domains could not be removed if the domain Default WebUser Preference set has been used at least once.
- WebUser: the default reply text routine could incorrectly insert quotation marks. In some rare cases it could cause a system crash.
- WebUser: not all special symbols in Mailbox names were properly URL-encoded.
- WebUser: if a custom WebUser Interface file was empty, the server could crash.
- TLS sessions interrupted in the negotiation phase could crash the server.
- Domains: when the Main Domain was renamed, the Domain Directory Subtree was not renamed.
- WebAdmin: the size-type parameters could not be set to 'Default (XXX)' values.
- ENQUEUER: Messages with several 'Subject:' headers were processed incorrectly.
- LIST: the 'banned' mode could not be set for lists with disabled archiving.
- ACAP/IMAP: if the AUTHENTICATE command was interrupted, the NO response was returned instead of the BAD response.
- ACAP: data strings with special symbols are returned as literals now.
- POP, IMAP: SASL AUTH methods incorrectly supported the "short-form" syntax.
- Directory: Local Units incorrectly processed some update requests ("add" attribute sets were processed as "replace" sets).
- OS Passwords did not work on the AS/400 platform.
- the default Directory Schema did not contain the "cn" attribute for the "organization" objectClass.
- Directory: Multi-Level searches in Local Units could return incomplete DNs. This could
also cause the LDAP module to stop on-the-fly creation of the "mail" attributes.
- Incorrect parallel initialization could cause the PIPE module to crash on startup.
- The RPOP module could accept To: and Cc: addresses as "trusted" when working without the "Special-header" option (this could result in
unwanted relays).
- Personal WebSite: URLs for site files did not contain URL escape symbols, some of the access utilities did not remove the URL escape symbols.
- CLUSTER: POP logins could fail on backends.
3.3 16-Jul-00
Update Note: the 3.3 version uses a completely new Directory Manager. If
some of your Domains had the Directory Integration setting set to Keep In Sync, open those
Domain Settings in the newly installed 3.3 version, and click the "Insert All" button in the
Directory Integration Panel.
- OS/400 version is released.
- Linux/Sparc version is released.
- Linux/StrongARM version is released.
Domains, Accounts, Objects
- Groups are implemented. GROUP-related CLI commands are implemented.
- Forwarders are implemented. FORWARDER-related CLI commands are implemented.
- The Directory-based Domains are implemented.
- The "Mobile" setting is enforced now: domains and account w/o that Access Mode cannot be accessed from non-client IP addresses.
- The 2-Letter 2-Level Domain Hashing now provides a workaround for accounts with 1-letter names and for accounts that have the dot symbol as the second symbol of their names.
- The Generate Index option is implemented. It can be used to decrease the restart time for domains with 100,000+ accounts.
- OS Names can be explicitly set for individual Accounts.
- Automatic "account is over quota" alerts are implemented. See the SysAdmin->Alerts section of the manual.
- Mailbox Aliases are implemented (see the Objects->Mailboxes section of the manual). Mailbox
aliases can be used to provide access to foreign Mailboxes for IMAP clients (such as MS Outlook / OE) that
cannot process foreign Mailbox names in the Mailbox Subscription lists.
- Mailbox aliases are transparent now (included into Mailbox hierarchy views).
- The BSD Mailbox Manager now checks the size of text lines in new messages.
- The .mdir (MailDir) format is redesigned to store the number of message text lines in message file names. This should help
some mailers (such as Netscape) correctly process messages with attachments retrieved from Unix servers.
- The DEQUEUER engine is redesigned and converted into a multi-threaded one.
- Messages with extremely long header fields (>100K) are now rejected with the SMTP, RPOP, PIPE, or POP (XTND XMIT) modules.
- The Add Name to Non-Qualified Domain Names option is implemented.
- The Directory Manager is implemented.
- The File-based Directories are implemented.
- The LDAP-based Directories are implemented (with caching).
- The .tdb and .ldb DataBase Managers are being phased out.
- Multiple Sub-tree storage units are implemented.
- Schema editor is implemented.
- Remove and Relocate Storage Unit operations are implemented.
- Access Rights (ACLs) are implemented.
- Browser and Access Right WebAdmin pages are implemented.
- File(Local Units): the updates merging daemon is implemented.
- Storage Unit deletion is implemented.
Directory Integration
- The Directory Integration Settings are implemented (Domains section).
- The special-case dc RDN attribute is supported now.
- The Delete All operation now removes only the records for accounts created on this Server.
- Mailing lists and Groups are now automatically added/updated in the Directory if the Domain Integration setting is set to Keep In Sync.
- Implementation is based on the Directory Manager now.
- RFC2254 is implemented.
- The 'mail' attribute is now composed on-the-fly for records of the CommuniGateAccount objectClass.
- The authentication methods are improved and documented.
- Case-insensitive dictionaries are now used in modify-type operations.
- The output buffering method has been changed.
- Datasets entry names are case-insensitive now.
- WebUser port handling has been changed to support domain-style Personal Web Sites
(i.e. http://user.domain.com can be processed as http://domain.com/~user/ now).
- CGI environment variables HTTP_AUTHORIZATION and HTTP_REFERER are added.
- CGI program name in a URL can now be followed by '/' and some URL string.
- CGI programs now inherit the environment variables of the Server (under Windows, this is needed to open TCP/IP sockets in CGIs).
- The output buffering method has been changed.
- The APPEND command now checks if the message text lacks the trailing EOL and fixes it. This is a workaround for the Netscape Messenger bug.
- The Special posting mode is implemented to allow subscribing of a mailing list to some other list.
- The First Digest At setting processing has been changed (see the LIST module manual).
- The Digest generator has been modified to fit the RFC1153 requirements.
- Feed headers and trailers are correctly inserted into base64-encoded messages.
- Added support for remote POP servers that do not return the number of messages in the initial UIDL response.
- The SIZE EHLO response does not include the '=' sign now.
- The AUTH=address Mail From parameter is now supported.
- Batch-splitting for messages with multiple recipients in one domain is implemented.
- Log reporting of relayed messages is improved.
- The Send Encrypted option is implemented to support server<->server encrypted message transfer.
- RFC2645 (ATRN) is implemented in both server and client modes to support mail delivery to hosts with dynamic IP addresses.
- Secure connections with forwarding servers are supported now.
Local Delivery
- All-domain aliases are case-insensitive now.
- The new Alert Text option allows you to specify the "over the quota" alert message text.
- The Account Detail addressing Routing options are implemented.
- The Current Date and Time of Day Rule conditions are implemented.
- The Write To Log action is implemented.
- Comparison operations now ignore the surrounding angle brackets in the envelope (Recipient, Return-Path) addresses.
- The Current Day conditions are implemented.
- The "[FILE]" and "[STDERR]" Execute command tags are implemented.
- SNMP agent is implemented.
- StalkerMIB ObjectID has been changed to 5678 - the IANA-registered Stalker ObjectID.
- WebUser monitoring agents are implemented.
- SMTP monitoring agents are implemented.
- IMAP monitoring agents are implemented.
- TLS monitoring agents are implemented.
- POP module totaling-type reporting is implemented.
- 64-bit Counters are implemented, some MIB elements have been switched to the COUNTER format.
WebUser Interface
- Korean, Chinese, and UTF-8 encodings are supported now.
- The Mailbox page now remembers the filter and search strings and the position in the selected message set.
- The Empty Trash button is now implemented on the Mailboxes Page.
- UTF8 Mode Setting is implemented. The Settings.html and Compose.html pages have been modified.
- The Settings.html, RPOP.html pages have been changed (^m has been added).
- Compose: now the From, To, Cc, and Reply-To original letter headers are MIME-decoded first.
- The Use MIME for Headers option is implemented. When this option is selected, the Subject, To, Cc,
and Bcc header fields containing non-ASCII symbols are MIME-encoded.
- Alerts, Bye, Hello, List, ListArchive, Public, Rules, Rule, RPOP, Subscribers, Subscription pages now include the '=' (charset) macro symbols.
- the '^$' macro (domain name) now works in all Account pages.
- All ISO-8859-x and windows-125x charsets are now supported in the UTF-8 mode.
- Longer, alpha-numeric "session passwords" are used now.
- The DirectoryFields arrays are added to the Strings.data file.
- The Files realm is implemented to provide access to arbitrary files in the WebUser directory.
- Attachment file names and HTML text portions are MIME-decoded and (optionally) converted to UTF-8 now.
- Texts using the Japanese ISO-2022-jp charsets should be displayed correctly now.
- The Directory Search page can now use the "internal CGatePro" names instead of the standard attribute names (i.e. RealName instead of cn).
- Security: the Security Certificate (RFC2585) link is added to the Login page. See the Security section of the manual.
- Non-ASCII Mailbox names are supported now.
- format=flowed processing (RFC2646) is implemented.
- Korean (ISO-2022-KR) and Chinese (Big5) letters are correctly converted into HTML code.
- The Certificate link is displayed only if the domain has a Custom Certificate.
- The Mailing Lists link is displayed only if the domain has some mailing lists.
- The Sent and Draft Mailbox names are properly "defaulted" now. The WebUser Settings.html page has been changed.
- The simplified Chinese (GB2312) charset is supported now.
- The WebSite, BasicAccountSettings, and WebUserSettings Domain Access Rights are implemented.
- The --noLockFile command line option is implemented.
- Clicking the Refresh button on the General Settings page tells the Server to re-read the DNS addresses from the OS.
- The Account Template page now includes the Initial Mailbox Aliases panel.
- The Obscure WebAdmin Page: the Central Directory settings are phased out.
- The GetAccountLocation, GetServerRules, and SetServerRules CLI commands are implemented.
- client-side secure connections are implemented.
- the SSL 3.0/3.1 interaction is improved (interoperability with both Microsoft products and open source utilities).
- TLS session recycler is implemented.
- DNS addresses are now correctly retrieved from the Windows 2000 Registry.
- A faster version of 'write to file' method is implemented (now used to store aliases, forwarders, groups, and account info).
- The WebMail section is created to contain all user-level information about the WebUser Interface.
- The HTTP and HowTo sections are updated to provide the information about username.domain.dom Personal Web Site URLs.
- The Directory, Directory Integration and Clusters pages are updated.
Bug Fixes
- CLUSTER: slave nodes refused to connect to the controller if one of the shared domains had the WebCache option disabled.
- SMTP, RPOP: if a remote server was misconfigured, garbage left in the response buffers could cause problems when connecting to other servers serving that remote domain.
- the Header-field Rule condition did not process wildcard symbols correctly.
- WebUser: the "New" counters on the Mailboxes page were not updated properly.
- SMTP: the "relayHost" field was not always filled correctly resulting in garbage on the SMTP Monitoring pages.
- CLI: GetAccountAliases command could crash the server is the specified domain did not exist.
- ACAP: multi-level searches in Dictionary DataSets could cause synchronization deadlocks.
- ACAP: MODTIME responses for the SEARCH command were returned untagged.
- ACAP: the optional metadata list in the RETURN clause of the SEARCH command was not properly parsed.
- under IRIX, AIX, HP/UX daylight saving times for the local time zones was not detected correctly.
- Rules: Rule Editor could crash the server if some of the condition or action fields were missing in the (customized) form.
- POP: the CAPA command was not processed in the TRANSACTION state.
- Binary zeros in message headers could crash the server.
CommuniGate® Pro Guide. Copyright © 1998-2019, Stalker Software, Inc.