Version 6.2 |
Version 6.2 Revision History
Cluster upgrade note: for rolling upgrades, your Cluster must be upgraded to the 6.1.14 or better version
before upgrading to any 6.2 version.
6.2.15 20-Dec-2019
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Oct-2016.
- Pronto: Pronto! HTML Version 6.2.15 is included.
- MAPI: the MAPI Connector version is included.
- Bug Fix: ACCOUNT: 6.2c4: workaround for LDAP password backend that allows empty authentication.
- Bug Fix: QUEUE: 6.2.13: message revocation could fail in some use cases.
- Bug Fix: ACCOUNT: 6.2.4: retrieving list of identities in cluster configurations might cause a crash.
- Bug Fix: ACCOUNT: 6.2.6: individual folder rights could not be revoked from delegates.
- Bug Fix: XIMSS: trailers were not added to messages with HTML and with attachments.
- Bug Fix: WEBADMIN: UTF-8 and space symbols were not allowed in account service class setting.
- Bug Fix: WEBUSER: 6.2.6: HTML parts in ISO-2022-* encodings might be rendered empty in the "inFrame" mode.
- Bug Fix: CALDAV: it might be not possible to modify all-day event into time-based.
- Bug Fix: XIMSS: calendar items sent as attachments might be not processed correctly.
- Bug Fix: PBX: 6.1c1: hold music might be missing for some call scenarios.
- Bug Fix: HTTP: incorrect requests to bundled manual pages might crash server.
- Bug Fix: AIRSYNC: 6.2.5: updates to event attendees in exceptions might be not delivered.
- Bug Fix: AIRSYNC: 6.2.5: forwarded calendar invitations might be not delivered.
- Bug Fix: NETWORK: the IPv6 loopback interface address was not inserted into the list of local IP addresses.
- Bug Fix: DIRECTORY: some account setting might cause errors while synchronizing account data to the Directory.
- Bug Fix: ACCOUNT: 6.2c1: possible crash with Application passwords used with DAV protocols.
- Bug Fix: ACCOUNT: 6.2c1: Application passwords set via WebUser/WebAdmin were stored without encryption.
6.2.14 16-Aug-2019
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Oct-2016.
- Pronto: Pronto! HTML Version 6.2.14 is included.
- CALENDAR: implemented workaround for out of order event updates from Exchange servers.
- CALENDAR: implemented workaround for RDATE attribute processing in Exchange servers.
- Bug Fix: SNMP: the module could hang if several trap agents were used.
- Bug Fix: ACCOUNT: 5.4: possible crash when last login IP was not set in account info.
- Bug Fix: CLUSTER: 6.2.13: intra-cluster data exchange could be broken under high load.
- Bug Fix: ACCOUNT: 6.2: wrong language might be used for two-factor authentication messages.
- Bug Fix: AIRSYNC: 5.4: all-day events were scheduled one day shorter.
6.2.13 28-Jun-2019
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Oct-2016.
- Pronto: Pronto! HTML Version 6.2.13 is included.
- MAPI: the MAPI Connector version is included.
- SESSION: XIMSS session cookie protection has been improved.
- QUEUE: the presence of the 'From' address is mandatory now.
- HTTP: failed login attempts via HTTP-based protocols now count for temporary IP blacklisting.
- MAILBOX: additional validity checks added for the index file for Sliced format.
- Platform: Solaris: libumem is used for memory management.
- Bug fix: SMTP: the Require STARTTLS option might work incorrectly.
- Bug Fix: AIRSYNC: 6.2.0: lists of large items might be synchronized slowly.
- Bug Fix: DIALOG: 6.1c: in some call scenarios media proxy might be not properly initialized.
- Bug Fix: CALENDAR: event modification might result in a item with attendees but without organizer.
- Bug Fix: CALENDAR: 6.2.1: preprocessed calendar items were stored despite rule actions.
- Bug Fix: XIMSS: 6.2.2: possible crash with uninitialized calendar object.
- Bug Fix: CALENDAR: 6.1c1: time zone data for Novosibirsk was one hour off.
- Bug Fix: PIPE: the Envelope-Notify: header did not work.
6.2.12 11-Feb-2019
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Oct-2016.
- Pronto: Pronto! HTML Version 6.2.12 is included.
- CALENDAR: workaround for calendar items that lack UID property.
- Bug Fix: AIRSYNC: 6.2.0: updating calendar item might fail on attempt to clear MAPI attributes.
- Bug Fix: MEDIA: 6.2c2: media might be not connected properly in some call scenarios.
- Bug Fix: CHRONOS: 6.2c5: server might crash during shutdown.
6.2.11 15-Jan-2019
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Oct-2016.
- Pronto: Pronto! HTML Version 6.2.11 is included.
- Bug Fix: CALENDAR: 5.0: time-zone data parsing might fail.
- Bug Fix: CALENDAR: 5.1: full-day recurring events with exceptions might be rendered incorrectly.
- Bug Fix: MEDIA: 6.2c1: ad-hoc media interception did not work for Media Channels.
- Bug Fix: SMTP: 6.2.6: outgoing SMTP channel might fail to fall back to clear text connections after TLS handshake failures in previous connection attempts.
- Bug Fix: INTERCEPT: 6.0c.1: reporting media packets with IPv6 source or destination might cause crashes and produced incorrect data.
6.2.10 30-Nov-2018
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Oct-2016.
- Pronto: Pronto! HTML Version 6.2.10 is included.
- TLS: RFC7507 for TLS fallback prevention is supported now.
- Bug Fix: SMTP: 6.2.6: remote queue wake up procedure might fail to use TLS encryption.
- Bug Fix: SESSION: 6.2.1: completing two-factor authentication in background did not work.
- Bug Fix: XIMSS: 6.2.7: calendar reply message might be sent with incorrect From and attendee address.
6.2.9 30-Oct-2018
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Oct-2016.
- Pronto: Pronto! HTML Version 6.2.9 is included.
- HTTP: improved protection from scripts injected with user data.
- Bug Fix: CALENDAR: 6.2.8: calendar messages might be sent with incorrect authentication.
- Bug Fix: SMTP: 6.2.6: optional encryption while sending via multiple parallel channels might cause server crash.
- Bug Fix: AIRSYNC: 6.2.2: incorrect processing the MeetingResponse command might cause crashes on some platforms.
- Bug Fix: TLS: 6.1c1: session parameters re-negotiation initiated by a remote server might fail in outgoing TLS connections.
- Bug Fix: TLS: 6.1c1: resuming of outgoing TLS sessions might fail.
- Bug Fix: SIP: 6.1.14: media parameters negotiation might be broken for intra-cluster endpoints.
- Bug Fix: PBX: 6.1.14: media parameters negotiation might be broken for intra-cluster endpoints.
- Bug Fix: MEDIA: 5.4: intercommunications between local media channels might be unstable.
- Bug Fix: AIRSYNC: 6.2.4: notifications on deleted calendar events might be not sent.
6.2.8 27-Sep-2018
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Oct-2016.
- Pronto: Pronto! HTML Version 6.2.8 is included.
- MAILBOX: high order Unicode symbols are supported in mailbox names now.
- Bug Fix: ACCOUNT: 6.2.4: From address verification might cause server crashes.
- Bug Fix: CALENDAR: 6.2.2: automatic calendar replies might be formatted incorrectly.
- Bug Fix: XIMSS: 6.2.2: message text with incorrect end-of-line marking might fail to get S/MIME-signed.
- Bug Fix: WEBUSER: 6.2.2: HTML tag parameters with single-quoted values might be processed incorrectly.
6.2.7 21-Aug-2018
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Oct-2016.
- Pronto: Pronto! HTML Version 6.2.7 is included.
- MAPI: the MAPI Connector version is included.
- SIP: MESSAGE requests with From URI routed to local accounts require authentication now.
- KERNEL: unquoted rfc2047-encoded atoms are supported in MIME header parameters now.
- Bug Fix: AIRSYNC: 6.2.6: synchronization of Calendar and Contacts items might be blocked.
- Bug Fix: CALENDAR: 6.2.6: attendees might be duplicated in events.
- Bug Fix: CALENDAR: 6.2.6: instances of periodic events specified with RDATE might be duplicated.
- Bug Fix: CalDAV: 5.4: replies to calendar invitations might be generated with multiple From addresses.
- Bug Fix: CHRONOS: 5.4: mailbox archiving could get turned off because of some errors.
6.2.6 19-Jul-2018
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Oct-2016.
- Pronto: Pronto! HTML Version 6.2.6 is included.
- LIST: empty subscriber real name in From: no more replaced with "Subscriber".
- SMTP: the TLS Version option implemented for Sending settings.
- SMTP: offered TLS version automatically decreased for the next attempt after failures of connections with optional security.
- AIRSYNC: the support for declining instances of recurrent events has been implemented.
- AIRSYNC: the limit on FreeBusy data requests increased to 1 year.
- CALENDAR: out of series event occurrences specified with RDATE attribute are supported now.
- WEBUSER: the default value for displaying messages with HTML content is set no to "in frame".
- Bug Fix: AIRSYNC: 6.2.5: processing replies to event invitation might cause mail loops.
- Bug Fix: TLS: 4.1: TLS connections might be vulnerable to Padding Oracle Attack.
- Bug Fix: TLS: 4.1: some TLS alert messages during handshake might be sent encrypted.
- Bug Fix: WEBUSER: 4.1: HTML tag validator might let through parameters with active content.
6.2.5 05-Jun-2018
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Oct-2016.
- Pronto: Pronto! HTML Version 6.2.5 is included.
- MAPI: the MAPI Connector version is included.
- KERNEL: the names of Forwarders and Account Aliases now may contain international characters.
- SMTP: DNS server failures to resolve remote host names are treated as non-fatal failures.
- Bug Fix: DOMAINS: renaming/removing a Class of Service caused a memory leak.
- Bug Fix: ACCOUNT: 6.2.4: server might crash on account creation via file import or via CLI.
- Bug Fix: LIST: 6.2.4: in cluster configuration list owner detection via authentication might fail.
- Bug Fix: XIMSS: 6.2.2: removing a calendar item in a shared calendar without Delegation right might cause a crash.
- Bug Fix: WEBUSER: 5.3: addresses added from dataset-type address books lacked the display name part.
- Bug Fix: SIGNAL: 6.2c2: media proxy might be incorrectly collapsed in some call scenarios.
6.2.4 30-Apr-2018
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Oct-2016.
- Pronto: Pronto! HTML Version 6.2.4 is included.
- MAPI: the MAPI Connector version is included.
- PBXLEG: improved handling of some bridging scenarios.
- SIP: implemented workaround for missing Contact header in 200-INVITE responses.
- Bug Fix: TLS: 6.2.3: TLS handshake with SHA-384 signatures might crash server on some platforms.
- Bug Fix: CALENDAR: 6.2.3: preprocessing calendar invitations might cause server crashes.
- Bug Fix: WEBUSER: 6.2: list of Identities was reset when other preferences were updated.
- Bug Fix: XIMSS: 6.2.2: accessing items in shared folders in cluster environments might cause server crashes.
- Bug Fix: XIMSS: 6.2.2: delegate rights were not properly applied in cluster environments during reply and calendar operations.
- Bug Fix: LOCAL: an authenticated user could send to "all" address on behalf of administrator.
- Bug Fix: QUEUE: the 'From' address and name restrictions now checked before applying Rules.
- Bug Fix: LIST: mailing list owner verification might fail when identities were used.
- Bug Fix: PLATFORM: AIX: in 64 bit environments sockets might fail to enter non-blocking mode.
- Bug Fix: QUEUE: 6.2c3: From address could not be properly verified in messages submitted with custom return-path.
- Bug Fix: WEBUSER: 6.1.11: non-ASCII real names in identity might be incorrectly encoded.
6.2.3 30-Mar-2018
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Oct-2016.
- Pronto: Pronto! HTML Version 6.2.3 is included.
- TLS: SHA384 as a Signature algorithm for TLS 1.2 is supported now.
- TLS: Cipher suites using SHA384 hash algorithm have been implemented.
- QUEUERULES: enabled the Authenticated condition to check the name of Account that authenticated submission.
- CalDAV: implemented workaround for the incorrect Europe/Moscow time zone specification in Apple Calendar.
- CalDAV: implemented server-side notifications on updates and removal of calendar items.
- Bug Fix: CALENDAR: 6.0: exceptions to recurring events might be stored with empty SUMMARY attribute.
- Bug Fix: ACCOUNT: 6.2.2: the Strict mode for From address verification rejected valid addresses.
- Bug Fix: XIMSS: 6.2.2: meeting invitations could not be set when a custom Identity address was used.
- Bug Fix: WEBADMIN: 6.2.2: spurious error message while updating "Other" settings.
- Bug Fix: WEBUSER: 6.1.19: XIMSS clients (Pronto) might fail to list attachments in some messages.
- Bug Fix: AIRSYNC: 6.1c: e-mail addresses in search results might be formatted incorrectly.
- Bug Fix: ACCOUNT: 6.2.0: authentication with application-specific passwords might fail with some protocols in cluster environments.
6.2.2 02-Mar-2018
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Oct-2016.
- Pronto: Pronto! HTML Version 6.2.2 is included.
- MAPI: the MAPI Connector version is included.
- New platform: Linux for Baikal-type processors (the mipsel architecture).
- SMTP: the SMTPUTF8 extension (RFC6531) implemented.
- ACCOUNTS: the "'From' Name Restrictions" option processing extended.
- XIMSS: event organizer is set to the shared calendar owner if the user has the Delegation right for the calendar owner account.
- XIMSS: replying to items in shared folders sets the From address to folder owner account if the Delegation right was granted.
- MAILBOX: the Delegation right on an account grants read-write access to folders in that account.
- PBX: added support for Remote-Party-Id header in ProvisionCall.
- CLI: the REPORTFAILEDLOGINADDRESS command has been implemented.
- KERNEL: the --randomDataDevice startup parameter is implemented for the path to random seed data device.
- WEBADMIN: cache controls of the paged output of LDAP search results implemented.
- HTTP: 'autodiscover' processing for Outlook 2016 has been improved.
- MAPI: Directory search used to build GAL now traverses subtrees by default.
- Bug Fix: CalDAV: calendar items might lack the From header.
- Bug Fix: TLS: 6.1.6: closed the possible vulnerability to ROBOT attacks using "bad-version oracle" vector.
- Bug Fix: AIRSYNC: 6.2c5: meeting invitations without attendees might block synchronization of some clients.
- Bug Fix: AIRSYNC: 5.2: server might crash while parsing incorrect calendar data.
- Bug Fix: AIRSYNC: 5.3: message flags for some message types might fail to synchronize to client device.
- Bug Fix: AIRSYNC: 5.4.1: updated calendar items might lose description text.
- Bug Fix: WEBSKIN: addressed leak of session info through the usage of some scripts in the basic skin.
- Bug fix: XIMSS: ICE Candidate attribute was not set in XML SDP data.
6.2.1 26-Dec-2017
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Oct-2016.
- Pronto: Pronto! HTML Version 6.2.1 is included.
- MAPI: the MAPI Connector version is included.
- XIMSS: the callHelper operation has been implemented.
- SIGNAL: the Map Call Dialog Status to Presence account setting has been implemented.
- Bug Fix: QUEUERULES: 5.4: server might crash on incorrect rules data.
- Bug Fix: CHRONOS: 6.2.0: server might crash while processing meeting reminders.
- Bug fix: SIGNAL: wrong media IP for channels looped through external proxies.
- Bug fix: SMTP: 6.2c1: DMARC verification could reject messages from authenticated senders.
6.2.0 20-Nov-2017
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Oct-2016.
- IMPORTANT: the End User License Agreement has been modified.
- Pronto: Pronto! HTML Version 6.2.0 is included.
- PKI: added support for Subject Alternative Names in certificate requests and self-signed certificates.
- KERNEL: the initial support for encrypted mailboxes has been implemented.
- QUEUERULES: the Calendar Method condition for account and domain level rules has been implemented.
- QUEUERULES: the whitelisted option for the Source condition has been implemented.
- KERNEL: the Application Helpers has been implemented.
- CG/PL: the CallHelper function has been implemented.
- Bug Fix: AIRSYNC: 6.2c5: meetings might be duplicated.
- Bug Fix: AIRSYNC: 5.2: synchronizing large folder trees with large messages might cause server crashes.
- Bug Fix: LIST: 6.1.5: incorrect encoding of specific distribution subjects could break message formatting.
6.2c5 31-Oct-2017
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Oct-2016.
- Pronto: Pronto! HTML Version 6.2c5 is included.
- MAPI: the MAPI Connector version is included.
- WEBADMIN: the Threads monitor now displays CPU utilization values per thread (for Windows, Linux and FreeBSD 11).
- ACCOUNTS: the Reroute External Recipients to option has been implemented.
- ACCOUNTS: the initial support for application passwords has been implemented.
- CLI: the GETACCOUNTONESETTING command has been implemented.
- PKI: the built-in Trusted Root Certificates list has been renewed.
- WEBADMIN: monitoring Failed Logins and Protocol Errors IP Address lists has been implemented.
- WEBADMIN: Urgent Notifications have been implemented.
- Bug Fix: CHRONOS: 5.4: unprocessed schedules might be discarded on server stop.
- Bug Fix: AIRSYNC: 5.2: particular events in recurring series could not be declined.
- Bug Fix: AIRSYNC: 5.2: additional attendees in event exceptions were not processed.
- Bug Fix: AIRSYNC: 5.2: meeting requests and responses might be not processed properly on iOS devices.
- Bug Fix: AIRSYNC: 5.3: logging responses at All Info might crash server.
- Bug Fix: LIST: 5.4: long real names could be encoded incorrectly.
- Bug fix: SIP: 6.1: the "Optional Media security" option was not properly processed.
- Bug Fix: ACCOUNTS: 5.1: multiple simultaneous failures to login into the same account could crash the server.
6.2c4 21-Sep-2017
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Sep-2016.
- Pronto: Pronto! HTML Version 6.2c4 is included.
- MAPI: the MAPI Connector version is included.
- LIST: the Hide 'From' Addresses setting is replaced with Compose 'From' Address as:.
- ACCOUNTS: added option to require logins over encrypted connections.
- WEBSKIN: extra protection from WebUser session stealing and cross-site scripting.
- WEBUSER: extra protection from WebUser session stealing and cross-site scripting.
- UTILITIES: the mail utility now supports -E parameter.
- UTILITIES: the sendmail utility now ignores more parameters for compatibility.
- LDAP: the paged output (RFC2696) of search results now works faster.
- KERNEL: SHA-384 and SHA-512 digesting algorithms have been implemented.
- WEBADMIN: monitoring Temporary Blocked and Temporary Client IP Address lists implemented.
- WEBADMIN: In Mail-SMTP-Receiving monitor the authenticated account name is displayed now.
- WEBADMIN: In Access monitors the TLS-encrypted connections are indicated now.
- XIMSS: the calendarForward operation has been implemented.
- ACCOUNTS: the Authentication URI option has been implemented (for LDAP).
- ROUTER: the _dir suffix support has been implemented for Directory-assisted relaying.
- HTTP: added support for multiple Set-Cookie fields in responses to requests.
- Bug Fix: DOMAINS: 6.2c3: Messages from mailing lists were not signed with DKIM.
- Bug Fix: TLS: 6.2c2: AES GCM encryption could crash the server on some platforms.
- Bug Fix: SMTP: some locally generated messages might be considered as relayed and blocked with restricted relaying settings.
- Bug Fix: HTTP: some requests with chunked encoding proxied to cluster backends might be processed incorrectly.
- Bug Fix: Directory: when deleting a Local Unit some files could stay orphaned.
- Bug Fix: AIRSYNC: 5.2: calendar items updated server-side could not be removed.
6.2c3 29-Apr-2017
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Apr-2016.
- Pronto: Pronto! HTML Version 6.2c3 is included.
- WEBUSER: editing multiple Identities implemented.
- CLI: The VERIFYACCOUNTIDENTITY method implemented.
- ACCOUNTS: 'From' Address Restrictions and 'From' Name Restrictions settings implemented.
- QUEUE: verifying the validity of From: header in messages from authenticated senders implemented.
- SIGNAL: Push notifications to iOS and Android devices for incoming calls and IMs have been implemented.
- LDAP: search for non-routable address under the dc=cgprouter base now returns empty result rather than routing error.
- XMPP: blacklisting by domain name has been implemented.
- XIMSS: notifications on mailbox changes are sent now also when a mailbox is created/renamed/removed.
- QUEUERULES: the actions Accept Request and Accept Reply can be applied now to Tasks Requests and Replies.
- Bug Fix: AIRSYNC: 5.4: double quotes in the display name part of email addresses might be processed incorrectly.
- Bug Fix: LIST: 4.1: header/trailer texts were added with extra EOLs to HTML-formatted messages.
6.2c2 31-Mar-2017
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Mar-2016.
- Pronto: Pronto! HTML Version 6.2c2 is included.
- DOMAINS: adding DKIM Signatures to outgoing messages implemented.
- PBXLEG: SendCallRegister function is documented.
- RSIP: registration period is properly adjusted according to remote server responses.
- SIP: the "system overloaded" is now mapped to SIP error code 503.
- SIP: the RetryAfter parameter in SIP 503 responses is respected now.
- SIP: implemented the option to log call-related SIP requests and responses at the All Info level.
- SMTP: domain name in server prompt now follows the same rules as parameter to HELO/EHLO.
- SMTP: certificates from secondary domains can be sent when requested by the remote server.
- TLS: AES Galois Counter Mode cipher suites are implemented.
- QUEUE: Message revocation mechanism has been implemented.
- Bug Fix: PBX: 5.4: error code 423 was not handled correctly.
- Bug Fix: AirSync: 5.2: extra quotes might be added to real names in e-mail addresses and break formatting.
- Bug Fix: TLS: 6.1c processing client certificates could not be optional.
6.2c1 14-Feb-2017
Valid Core License Keys: issued after 01-Feb-2016.
- WEBADMIN: the "with DMARC" item added to "Check SPF records:" menu in SMTP module settings.
- SMTP: RFC7489 (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC)) implemented (the authentication part).
- KERNEL: RFC6376 (DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) Signatures) signature checking implemented as part of DMARC support.
- KERNEL: the Public Suffix List of domains is included as a service (required by DMARC).
- WEBUSER: now only folders of appropriate class can be selected for specific purposes (default Calendar, Tasks etc.).
- KERNEL: the account preferences data were moved from account.info file into a separate file.
- DOMAINS: the Comment attribute is implemented.
- WEBADMIN: the Scheduled Tasks of an Account are now visible in Status page.
- ACCOUNTS: the File Storage now supports files larger than 4GB.
- FTP: the module now supports transfer of files larger than 4GB.
- WEBUSER: the "Redirect all Mail to" simplified rule redesigned to be DMARC-compatible and renamed to "Copy all Mail to".
- WEBUSER: choosing From: address from multiple Identities implemented.
- WEBUSER: default Directory Address Books implemented.
- STATISTICS: the cpuTimeUsed element is implemented.
- ACCOUNTS: Password expiration option is implemented.
- WEBADMIN: Limitation and Rate Control for the number of recipients in outgoing e-mail messages are implemented.
- WEBADMIN: Supplementary Log Files now can be deleted automatically.
- WEBADMIN: the Log Out button has been added.
- CG/PL: the ReadSkinObject function has been documented.
- SESSION: two-factor authentication framework has been implemented.
- XIMSS: the protocol has been extended to support two-factor authentication and forced password change.
- WebUser: the interface has been extended to support two-factor authentication and forced password change.
- Password expiration option is implemented.
- The File Storage now supports files larger than 4GB.
- Account stores the last five IP addresses confirmed with Two-Factor Authentication.
- 'From' Address Restrictions and 'From' Name Restrictions settings implemented.
- Added option to treat only logins over encrypted connections as secure.
- The Authentication URI option has been implemented (for LDAP).
- The Reroute External Recipients to option has been implemented.
- Delegation right on an account grants read-write access to folders in that account.
- Multiple fixes to problems with calendar event processing.
- The support for declining instances of recurrent events has been implemented.
- The limit on FreeBusy data requests increased to 1 year.
- The workaround for the incorrect Europe/Moscow time zone specification in Apple Calendar has been implemented.
- Server-side notifications on updates and removal of calendar items have been implemented.
- The ReadSkinObject function has been documented.
- The SendCallRegister function has been documented.
- The CallHelper function has been implemented.
- The BLESSSESSION method has been implemented.
- The VERIFYACCOUNTIDENTITY method has been implemented.
- The GETACCOUNTONESETTING command has been implemented.
- The REPORTFAILEDLOGINADDRESS command has been implemented.
- The Comment attribute is implemented.
- Adding DKIM Signatures to outgoing messages implemented.
- The module now supports transfer of files larger than 4GB.
- 'autodiscover' processing for Outlook 2016 has been improved.
- The support for encrypted mailboxes has been implemented.
- The Application Helpers has been implemented.
- The account preferences data were moved from account.info file into a separate file.
- The Public Suffix List of domains is included as a service (required by DMARC).
- RFC6376 (DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) Signatures) implemented.
- SHA-384 and SHA-512 digesting algorithms have been implemented.
- The --randomDataDevice startup parameter is implemented for the path to random seed data device.
- The names of Forwarders and Account Aliases now may contain international characters.
- Search for non-routable address under the dc=cgprouter base now returns empty result rather than routing error.
- The paged output (RFC2696) of search results now works faster.
- The Hide 'From' Addresses setting is replaced with Compose 'From' Address as:
- The Sliced format is used by default now.
- Encrypted variants of mailbox formats are supported now.
- The Delegation right on an account grants read-write access to folders in that account.
- High order Unicode characters are supported in mailbox names.
- The support for Remote-Party-Id header in ProvisionCall has been added.
- The built-in Trusted Root Certificates list is renewed.
- Added support for Subject Alternative Names in certificate requests and self-signed certificates.
- Message revocation mechanism has been implemented.
- Verifying the validity of From: header in messages from authenticated senders implemented.
- The presence of the 'From' address became mandatory.
- The actions Accept Request and Accept Reply can be applied now to Tasks Requests and Replies.
- The Calendar Method condition for account and domain level rules has been implemented.
- The whitelisted option for the Source condition has been implemented.
- The Authenticated condition to check the name of Account that authenticated submission has been enabled.
- The _dir suffix support has been implemented for Directory-assisted relaying.
- Registration period is properly adjusted according to remote server responses.
- Push notifications to iOS and Android devices for incoming calls and IMs have been implemented.
- The Map Call Dialog Status to Presence account setting has been implemented.
- The "system overloaded" is now mapped to SIP error code 503.
- The RetryAfter parameter in SIP 503 responses is respected now.
- Implemented the option to log call-related SIP requests and responses at the All Info level.
- RFC7489 (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC)) implemented (the authentication part).
- Domain name in server prompt now follows the same rules as parameter to HELO/EHLO.
- Certificates from secondary domains can be sent when requested by the remote server.
- The SMTPUTF8 extension (RFC6531) implemented.
- The TLS Version option implemented for Sending settings.
- Offered TLS version automatically decreased for the next attempt after failures of connections with optional security.
- DNS server failures to resolve remote hostnames are treated as non-fatal failures.
- The cpuTimeUsed element is implemented.
- AES Galois Counter Mode cipher suites are implemented.
- SHA384 as a Signature algorithm for TLS 1.2 is supported now.
- Cipher suites using SHA384 hash algorithm have been implemented.
- RFC7507 for TLS fallback prevention is supported now.
- Supplementary Log Files now can be deleted automatically.
- Limitation and Rate Control for the number of recipients in outgoing e-mail messages are implemented.
- The Scheduled Tasks of an Account are now visible in Status page.
- The "with DMARC" item added to "Check SPF records:" menu in SMTP module settings.
- The Log Out button has been added.
- Monitoring Temporary Blocked, Failed Logins, Protocol Errors, and temporary Client IP Address lists implemented.
- In Mail-SMTP-Receiving monitor the authenticated account name is displayed now.
- In Access monitors the TLS-encrypted connections are indicated now.
- The Threads monitor now displays CPU utilization values per thread (for Windows, Linux and FreeBSD 11).
- Urgent Notifications implemented.
- Cache controls of the paged output of LDAP search results implemented.
- Default Directory Address Books are implemented.
- The "Redirect all Mail to" simplified rule has been redesigned to be DMARC-compatible and renamed to "Copy all Mail to".
- Choosing From: address from multiple Identities implemented.
- Now only Calendar-type mailbox can be selected as Main Calendar, only Tasks-type one as Main Tasks, etc.
- Two-factor authentication is supported now.
- Editing Identities has been implemented.
- Extra protection from session hijacking has been implemented.
- The default value for displaying messages with HTML content is set no to "in frame".
- Commands for the Two-factor authentication is supported now.
- Notifications on mailbox changes are sent now also when a mailbox is created/renamed/removed.
- The calendarForward operation has been implemented.
- The callHelper operation has been implemented.
- Event organizer is set to the shared calendar owner if the user has the Delegation right for the calendar owner account.
- Replying to items in shared folders sets the From address to folder owner account if the Delegation right was granted.
- Blacklisting by domain name has been implemented.
- The mail utility now supports -E parameter.
- The sendmail utility now ignores more parameters for compatibility.
CommuniGate® Pro Guide. Copyright © 1998-2019, Stalker Software, Inc.